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Hmm juz add me; slayer_poo@hotmail.cm. Thanx

Relation:In a Relationship
Mobile Operator:Dst
Phone Model:LG KF510 n Nokia X6
Company:Happy Motoring CO, Sdn Bhd
Like:Perfumes, chocolates, party, girls stuff, sweets, my nephews zairey n zairen, counter strike
Hate:Gp lagg, urg blagak kuat, jahat mulut, back stabber, lelaki mengumpat enda lawa x aa, pembual, penindas cinta
Fav. Music:St12, supermassive black hole, breaking benjamin, part of the list, the climb, sad tango, knock u down, kangen band, i dont care, teenagers, do you know, hero, eyes on fire, surga cinta, bengang, masih jelas, never knew i needed, dont lie, hot issues, feel good better
Fav. Movies:Sweeney todd, the interview wif mr, vampire, sleepy hollow, twilight, newmoon, jumper, the other bolynn girl, the covenant, coffee prince, impak maksima, evolusi kl drift, syurga cinta, boys over flowers, the notebook, a walk 2 remember, skinwalkers, a walk in the clouds
Fav. Books:True love n other lies, remember, naive, the fishes comics by benjamin, zint, slaium, hype, cleo
Fav. Celebrity:Edward cullen, hayden christensen, mike he, rain bi, miley cyrus, steven strait, akim, justin timberlake, lindsay lohan, ryan, camilla belle, megan fox, paul walker, johnny deep, keanu reeves, and the kardashians girls
Skinner Since:15 years ago
Last Login:13 years ago

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