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Zou: Shutup !!! N jus do it!!!
Male,35,,Manipur, imphal
Hi,im Steve Mangboi Zou,frm Manipur imphal. . .please fren me in facebook olso. . .Steve Mangboi Zou is my face book profile name

Mobile Operator:Aircel india
Phone Model:Nokia 97mini
Occupation:Work at, Nazi Band
Company:All india manipur Talab and paras company Cntct no, 9856987
Schools:High sckul at, St edmund school, lamphel thangmeiband colge at, christian zou colge
Like:I lyke hu love me, and hu trust me, going sumwhere, bunker colge, drink a wine wit r fren ha3 its jus a jok i lyk evrythng in d world
Hate:I hate hu r bad character, no respct, n bad job,
Fav. Music:Spacebound by eminem, carlifonia king bed, talk that talk by rihanna, n pittbul music
Fav. Movies:Scary mu, v, sex, muv, Zou thai, paupu da hero n lots mre
Fav. Books:Bible, and quotes
Fav. Celebrity:Anythng, and everythngs
Skinner Since:12 years ago
Last Login:12 years ago

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