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*priNceSs*: "Never regret something that once made u smile"
Think like a boss and act like a lady

Schools:St MarY, S college
Like:I love writng quotes, listening music, shopping n facebooking
Hate:I hate racist and rapeist, And i also cant bear people who are arrogant, D world would b a bettr plc if theY don, t exist,
Fav. Music:I listen almost evrythng excpt Scremo, hehe
Fav. Movies:Pacific Rim, Man of Steel, Ice Age 3, DearJOHN, 3 meters above the sky and A walk to rEMEMBR
Fav. Books:the time of my life, by cecelia ahern and Vampire Diaries
Fav. Celebrity:Channing Tatum, Zac efron and Zayn Malik
Skinner Since:11 years ago
Last Login:7 years ago

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