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wiiiiii: the music's heartable !
Male,33,,the places which fullest with music, but so alone
im Qawi whos have the almost cutest face. * mihir, haha. am, 8th april is my birthday and living in somewhere jerudung * not the bad attitude what the others talking about. and the important things that you must to know about me, im just a blank's person, always speechless. so apologize to whos getting boring with me. okey ? just add me up, then we'll know too deeplydeep, so far as we can. alright ? Add mine email : alone.8ty4@hotmail.com. sayonaraa ~ cheerio !

Mobile Operator:DST
Phone Model:N81 8GB
Occupation:to adore all girls
Like:firstly the MUSIC, yeah im too addicted to heard it, hearting to music ohh, guitaring, sing the songs, always hangout and morely to the girls
Hate:idk, but, just a little bit about some attitude is egois, wannabe, dishonest, disrespectful, disturber, forcer and mostly to what you hates too
Fav. Music:some emocore music, screamo, lastly now, im into the accoustic songs
Fav. Movies:err, many to tell
Fav. Books:always comics, anime manga, thumbsup
Fav. Celebrity:mostly to the band artists,
Skinner Since:15 years ago
Last Login:13 years ago

Bored, Chilly or Horny ???

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