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♥pUcCa♥: ♥I like the truth and speak the truth. If it bothers you, don't listen.♥
Female,21,,♥nEvEr, nEvEr, laNd♥
♥THIS IS ME...♥ ♥ ♥ ♥I do not care what they think. They can hate, judge, talk behind my back, try to step up they game. Although, one thing they can never do is get me to change. I am who I am, and the way I act, think, imagine, dream, dress, speak, love, look, and feel. Will always remain the same...and I don't ever want to change for you or anyone else. I'm not perfect. I run into things. I trip. I spill food. I fail sometimes. I say stupid things. But that's just me. If I want to change, I'll change for myself and not for you or anyone else...and I like the truth and speak the truth. If it bothers you, don't listen..so if you dont like it get loose from my ProFilE and liFe♥

Mobile Operator:♥cElcom♥
Phone Model:♥c3, 00, X3, E60♥
Occupation:♥cOunT, thE, sTarS♥
Company:♥mY, owN, companY♥
Schools:♥FairY, laNd♥
Like:♥Watching, Films, Surfing, The, Net, Eating, sleepinG, thinkiNg, diSturBinG, peOpLe, Killing, the, AliEns♥
Hate:♥Arrogant, people, hypocrites, liars, and, people, who, belittle, others, Plastic, Pretender, Users, Poser, Possesive, and, Rude♥
Fav. Music:♥insTrumenTal, loVe, sOngs♥
Fav. Movies:♥romanTic, HorrOr, XtiOn♥
Fav. Books:♥swEEt, ShadOw, by, tErE, lyNn, chiLds♥
Fav. Celebrity:♥mE, mYsElf, I♥
Skinner Since:12 years ago
Last Login:11 years ago

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