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Everybody who knows me think that i'm very happy person . But i just want to told them that "SMILE FACES DO NOT MEAN THAT THERE'S ABSANCE OF SORROW, IT MEANS THAT THEY CAN DEAL WITH IT".

Relation:Is a Secret
Phone Model:nokia2700 classic
Occupation:short, Filmaker, child, Journalist
Company:Singing, Drawing, Reading, story, book, Listening, music, Imagining
Like:Md, Jafor, Iqbal Sreya, Ghoshal Sanu, Nigam Emma, Watson Rabindranath, Tagore George, Harrison Einstein Sattojit, Roy Sherlok, Holmes Feluda J, K, Rowling Harry, Potter
Fav. Music:Anupom Tagore Bieber Swift Sreya Nigam Anila Abida Kona Topu
Fav. Movies:Harry, Potter Twilight Crocodile Feluda 24hours Gohine, shobdo Sherlok, holmes Rockstar Mouchhak Amar, bondhu, rashed Dipu, no, 2 Charlie, s, angles Final, Destination
Fav. Books:Harry, Potter, serise Feluda Brishtir, Thikana Ami, Topu Ma Lionheart, 2, brothers Md, Jafor, Iqbal, all Anisul, haque Zara, vor, enechilo
Fav. Celebrity:Emma Rowling Radclife Grint Sottojit Jafor, Iqbal Tagore Bieber James, Cameron Chapline Bangobondhu
Skinner Since:12 years ago
Last Login:11 years ago

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