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Muwahxoxo Send Message Sign Guestbook Add Friend My Photo My Friends Browse My Themes My Subscribtions Female,33, ,Gadong Im strange,funny,eviL,sweet, sour and blablabla.4urGUYSin4mation,im nt tht sosioL/noty Type0fGurL~Dont judge my pics HELLO~im N0N MUSLIM so i cn wear wteva i wnt as long as i cn TakeCare of MySelf. Please just add my facebo0k " Calledme Alyce "Relation: SingleMobile Operator: Dst Phone Model: Sony ericsson W850i and Nokia 3230 Occupation: Student Schools: Pusat Tingkatan Enam Katok Like: Truth , hidden causes , being involve work that is meaningful , being persuasive , mysteries , secrets , winning , being acknowledged and home Hate: Being given only surface date , being taken advantage of , demenning jobs , shallow relationships , being analyzed , being askd personal question , sexmindd , dont aspct me Fav. Music: Anything yg rancak laa , Yg mbuat kpla anguk2 smpai btaburan klamumur haha Fav. Movies: Anythng yg actioN , i like tym bab2 btumbuk 2 asa kn me ikt jua me numbuk urg jaat a , urg pnipu a , Yg horror pn i like , pasaLny yg gataL2x atu th dlu kna bunuh haha Skinner Since: 16 years agoLast Login: 10 years ago
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