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HI EVERYBODY ! My name is Reza,I'm 20 and I'm a university student.I'd be glad to meet new friends and welcome all of u to my profile page.Honesty,faithfulness and understanding are my most important attributes in a friend.What else....And I hope you all enjoy your lives and be full of hope,relaxation and hapiness. Salam be hamegi,hameye baro bache haye iran zamin.Hameye unayi ke mesle man az in hame bando mahdudiat,az in hame dorugho do ruyi,az in hame bivafayi va khodkhahi khaste shodan.Man reza hastam,20 salame va daneshjuye modiriat sanati hastam.Va khake paye hameye adamaye chiz fahmo bahal ke nemizaran ensaniat va sedaghat faramush beshe.Omidvaram harja hastin por az shadi,rezayate ruh,aramesh ghalb va safaye del bashid.Take care,have fun.

Mobile Operator:Irancell, Ir Tci
Phone Model:6630
Occupation:English Teacher, Translator
Like:Different things like music, sports, reading books
Hate:GIRLS or as What I say BITCHAZ, Touchy people, lie, selfish and unfaithful guys
Fav. Music:Rap, hiphop, pop, light, techno
Fav. Movies:Theres a lot of them but heres a point, Family man, green mile, matrix, rob b hood, babylon A, D, the city of angels and etc
Fav. Books:I, m a true bookworm, I read every kind of books
Fav. Celebrity:Eminem, 50 cent, 2pac, Nicholas cage, Will Smith, Bruce Willis, mel gibson, jim carrey, jackie chan, wesley snipes, denzel washington, jet lee, Robert De Niro, Eddie Murphy
Skinner Since:16 years ago
Last Login:14 years ago

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