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樱洛: 假装的幸福太悲哀,倒不如流着泪坦白. By the time I understood the mistake, it was well past the time to rectify it. However much life changed, a part of it stayed the same.
Female,35,,beijing, China
hi everyone, i'm Kayokii. I'm the future student of NUS(ha ha...this seems to be a great dream, but anyway, i'll never give up!) Want to study about environment in the future as the effects of global warming is getting worse n worse(but my geography is not so good T_T). Everyone has the responsibility to do something 4 our mother earth. Hope everyone realise the importance of having our environment green n clean...

Phone Model:nokia7390
Like:animals, especially dogs
Hate:Empty promises
Fav. Music:pop
Fav. Movies:too many, such as the eye 10, happy feet, pirates of caribbean, charlie n the chocolate factory
Fav. Books:horror novels
Fav. Celebrity:Rainie, she is so cute n sweet, Jonny depp
Skinner Since:17 years ago
Last Login:16 years ago

Popping Pink

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