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Jihu210 Send Message Sign Guestbook Add Friend My Photo My Friends Browse My Themes My Subscribtions Female,39, ,B , S , B 0bses crazy depLy in L0ve wiv my byy,so ive md it cLEAR dat i m TAKEN. L0ve whiTe,red. M0stLY g0es into white. Just caLL me MeL or Jihu.Relation: In a RelationshipMobile Operator: 673 Occupation: P , A , privaTe Company: L4zx , Lf0rth , crew Schools: Like: My byy , Surfing internet , pLaying with musicaL instruments , such as guiTar , vioLin , pian0 keyb0ard , seruLin , guLing tgn , hadrah , and drum , Like styLinx ofc0z Hate: Doz who dare to touch , flirt , hold , stare at my L0ve , Hate bckstabber , Hate chngez , m0stLY hate been preassure , Hate to see tearz faLL 0ut fr0m my L0ve , s eyes Fav. Music: Evry kind ov music , pop , p0p rock , r , b , heavy rock , techno , so on EXCEPT thai , s , TamiL , S oLD s0ngS Fav. Movies: 1st ov aLL , B , 0 , F , k0rean m0vies , b0LT , FUnny , l0ve , h0rr0w m0vies , EXCEPT , ChiLd , s pLay , I Hate it s0 Much Fav. Books: My , n0tebook , Fav. Celebrity: Kim hyun Jung Skinner Since: 15 years agoLast Login: 14 years ago
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