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Jasmin: If u don't know sumting.better don't talk!
am teen gal.i luv my family and my friends.i try to enjoy the life even if its nt like which i need.i luv to remember the past memories even if its nt good.i want to learn alot of languages.i like to visit many places.u can say that i luv traveling.i like fishing.i like riding hourses.i dont like people who speaks so much.i hate being alone.so i came here.am really happy in my life.i luv u god because you bring me to this life.am looking for sumone luvs me.nt just to play with my feelings.then i can give this sumone my soul.this sumone don't hav to b boy.this sumone can b a gal also.luvs me like her sister.just sumone beside me.sum people say am crazy.sum other say am quiet.bt i know myself more than anyone else.i dont care about your opinion.i hav confidence.sum people say am concieted.bt i like myself as it is.am a bit selfish.i can say bad words bt reject and apologize.noone 'll change me except that sumone.i luv traveling , shopping , driving cars , ride hourses , eating fish , drinking juices , i luv the sunrise.i luv the sunsit.i like the nature.am very normal gal.bt u wil nt luv me.if u don't know me.

Relation:Is a Secret
Mobile Operator:nokia
Phone Model:x6
Schools:el, salmawya school
Like:music, birds, hourses, flowers, butterflies
Hate:noise, lairs, snakes, insects
Fav. Music:sum calm music, hiphop, house
Fav. Movies:many movies
Fav. Books:quran
Fav. Celebrity:Jay, z, avril, chriss brown, tylor swift, justin bieber, mandy more, kelly clarkson, mariah carey
Skinner Since:14 years ago
Last Login:14 years ago

Cuming soon

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