sAm**: Never complicate the situation if u have the chance to be happy with someone worthy..*_* Female,32,,iN mY w0rLd pEopLe thInK thAt iM peEviSh, matEriaListic N haRd hEadEd, buT oL oF th0se R juZ dr fiRst imPrEssi0ns... Wn dy gEt cL0se 2 mE dy finD 0ut dt i'm niCe , resPonsiBLe, heLpfuL n iNteLLigEnt :p .., bUt sMetyMs crAzy. Dy cOL me sAssY or crAzy bcOz oF thE thIngs i uSed to do to mKe dm laF. I do funny thIngs sUch as mkiNg fUn of pe0ple's faCes :p n teLLIng joKes f0r seLf satisFactions yEt m0st oF thE tym, i do sUch things n oRder to mkE peopLe hapi n d miDst 0f d many triaLs n dr liVes.. LastLy, bhiNd ol thEse mpressions Lies a siMple girL who mkEs everythIng for g0od......