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sAm**: Never complicate the situation if u have the chance to be happy with someone worthy..*_*
Female,32,,iN mY w0rLd
pEopLe thInK thAt iM peEviSh, matEriaListic N haRd hEadEd, buT oL oF th0se R juZ dr fiRst imPrEssi0ns... Wn dy gEt cL0se 2 mE dy finD 0ut dt i'm niCe , resPonsiBLe, heLpfuL n iNteLLigEnt :p .., bUt sMetyMs crAzy. Dy cOL me sAssY or crAzy bcOz oF thE thIngs i uSed to do to mKe dm laF. I do funny thIngs sUch as mkiNg fUn of pe0ple's faCes :p n teLLIng joKes f0r seLf satisFactions yEt m0st oF thE tym, i do sUch things n oRder to mkE peopLe hapi n d miDst 0f d many triaLs n dr liVes.. LastLy, bhiNd ol thEse mpressions Lies a siMple girL who mkEs everythIng for g0od......

Mobile Operator:911
Phone Model:Android
Occupation:stUdeNt desiGner
Schools:uNiversitY of arTs n desiGn
Like:CustOmiZe shOes, shirts, dress, N persOn i likE frIendLy, huMbLe, n i wAnt a nIce Guy, p ha ha, HObbies i loVe theAter artS, watcH movieS, barHopIng,
Hate:I dOnt Like FaKe pErsOn, i hAte guy wiTh toooo mAny girLssss, M soRry for dt, p Im sCared of rAts and cocRoacHes, YuCk yuck yucK, p
Fav. Music:LoVe sOng, roCks n baLLads, wiTh a niCe lyrics, SoMe of my fvOrites sinGer JB, aVriL, neYo, britNey, Gaga, kaTy, eNriquE,
Fav. Movies:d noTebook, last soNg, crossrOaDs, taKen, trOy, nomad, sLumdog, apocaLyptO, braVe heart, roMeo n juLiet, titaNic, n Lots of scary moVies,
Fav. Books:NoVeL, haRRy pottEr, twilight, arts n fashIon, desIgn, fairytaLes, aLot, I Love booKs
Fav. Celebrity:JoLiE, pitt, roberts, lohan, cruise, diaz, no more
Skinner Since:13 years ago
Last Login:13 years ago

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