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Female,31,,Kuala Belait
My name is elyn. Nice to be called as lyn. I am on my sweetest age,guess while you can. I am iban <3. So whaddup all ? Just add me up :)

Relation:In a Relationship
Mobile Operator:Dst
Phone Model:N70
Schools:Saint Angela, s School, Seria
Like:honesty, trusthworthy person, nice person, treat me well like a real bestfriend, fooling around the town, city, friendly person
Hate:snobbish, sex maniac, racism, sicknesses, a mad temperamental person, backstabbers, stalkers
Fav. Music:How to love, without you, crazy in love, etc
Fav. Movies:Drag me to hell, last song, etc
Fav. Books:What do you think you think, andai itu takdirnya, etc
Fav. Celebrity:Kelly Clarkson, Hyun Ah, Miley Cyrus, etc
Skinner Since:13 years ago
Last Login:12 years ago

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