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I write sins..n0t tragedy=): 0wez 0PtIMISTIC in life..c0z life is hilari0us cruel=D
Female,39,,Kingd0m of far2 away, sins city, Heaven 0n earth, m

Relation:In a Relationship
Occupation:Secret agent
Like:Im an animal l0ver, I lyk funny, sweet intelligent pplz, pplz wit brain n pplz dat hv selfmanner n kn0w h0w 2 respect 0da human being
Hate:ppl wit ANN0YIN atitude, STUPID DUMB ass, RUDE, MANIAC, B0d0H s0mb0ng n N0 SELF MANNER, PLZ BEHAVE urself dude, hate LIAR, HYP0CRITE pers0n N bAd breAth N bAd b0dy
Fav. Music:R0ck, reggae, p0p, indie music n any genre, dpend 0n d, m0od, neva evr dangdut, eEWw
Fav. Movies:C0medy r0mantic n h0rr0r muVeez, l0vin it, tV series, 0l 3, csi, her0es, gh0st whisperer, supernatural, pris0n break, m0nk n any english sitc0m n talk sh0w, xpecialy 0prah n allen, I hate tV reality sh0w, s except last c0mic standinx, hilari0us funny
Fav. Books:H0rr0r st0ry of vampire chr0nicles by Anne Rice, and any kind 0f b0oks n magazine, s as l0ng i cud read n undrstnd da w0rds n lang
Fav. Celebrity:C0lin farrel, j0hnny deep, adam lambert, Brangelina, brad, j0lie, Pink, Gwen Stefani, T, I, he, s sexy, n 0f c0z my bf Christian0 R0nald0, he, s hawt, t0ki0 h0tel, N m0st of 0l, my AyG
Skinner Since:15 years ago
Last Login:12 years ago

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