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Female,105,,, My, Heart,
u knw me :]

Occupation:Nurse, student
Schools:the sixth
Like:cats, purple, smokin, shoppin, colorin, candy, cookin, frindz, love, cookies, puppies, music, dancin
Hate:liers, empty promises, study, bright lights, hot weather, CHEATIN LOVERS, AND IF U EVER LIE TO ME THEN EVERYTHING WILL BE OVER FOR US
Fav. Music:pop, japanese pop, korean pop, rock
Fav. Movies:the mist, spoongbob, dany phantom, death note, if only, im a legend, boo, i knw what u did last summer, ginger snaps, just like heaven, valantiens day, the ring, the carious case of benjamin buton
Fav. Books:
Fav. Celebrity:michael jackson, lady gaga, enrique, hyde sama, super junior, G dragon, bsb
Skinner Since:13 years ago
Last Login:12 years ago

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