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fee'Aurelius: _; miracle . the miracle can do things those cant do .
Female,33,,inside your boxer
you have to take good with the bad,smile when u're sad,rmember what u got.,and know what u have,always forgive but never forget,know what u've done but never regret.,people change things goes wrong,just rmember that,, 'life goes on'. . . [hafeezah balqiska](: campur saya di;_fee.queenobee@h.c

Relation:Is a Secret
Mobile Operator:Dst, 3g
Phone Model:N73, N95, E65, N81, E79
Occupation:doctor cinta
Company:fee skim cepat kaya, b
Schools:Kickng out school
Like:dance is my world
Hate:hate sum1 is exhaust, ing, btt thanks 4 those who hate me, u just mke me more fams whoa, hee
Fav. Music:Techno
Fav. Movies:dance, searchng idea there
Fav. Books:novels, comics, magazines
Fav. Celebrity:me, myself and i
Skinner Since:16 years ago
Last Login:12 years ago

Cuming soon

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