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Dennis West: What is a friend? I will tell you... It is someone with whom you dare to be yourself.
Well, my name is Dennis West and I am 13 years old and I live in Jakarta. I live with a few of my family. The rest are somewhere around the world. My life is simple really, wake up, shower, brush my teeth, have breakfast, start school, have snack break, school, lunch break, school, finish school, have dinner, shower, watch tv, play my computer, brush my teeth again and go back to bed and wake up the next morning and do the same simple things. To me, sometimes my life sucks! Don't ask why! You don't wanna know! I feel confused with it. Sometimes I think I am stuck in a deathtrap!! I can't do anything! So... anyway.. I'm a simple guy actually, accepting new things from people, easy going sometimes, and needing more friends!!!

Mobile Operator:XL
Phone Model:Nokia 6120
Schools:Home, schooled
Like:Basketball, swimming, listening to music, watching TV, movies, chatting, hanging out with friends, singing and gadgets, Ooooh, money too, Kidding
Hate:the things I hate, D
Fav. Music:TONS, I got 4000ish songs on my iTunes, OneRepublic, Yovie, The Nuno, Ari, Chris Richardson, Santana, Chris Brown, Gia Farrelland lots more
Fav. Movies:TONS, Jumper, The Heartbreak Kid, Extra Large, Indonesian movie, Spiderwick, Step Up 1 2, What Happens In Vegas, Speed Racer, Juno and lots more, Too much to mention one, by, one
Fav. Books:I don, t like reading, It bores me to death
Fav. Celebrity:A lot of celebs
Skinner Since:18 years ago
Last Login:14 years ago

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