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Male,46,,puas2 th hidup sebelum mati, ya ja
im a cool n fun guy..n serius guy..very hard 2 see me,but easy 2 date any1 hwo lyk my team...but only girl..im very elegy of gay..sory 2 say thts..but im serius i told u..n i love driving frm k.b 2 b.s.b..just memanat diri,jgn marah..hahaha siok kali ah...n me suka memburu hantu..kerumah2 yg uda lama di tinggalkn..sapa2 mau ikut just add me..sama2 tani cari hantu.i don k 2 sapa2 saja kn masuk my team B.M.I. no77 heelloooooooooooooww just juin kmi sja jgn jadi urg penakut..!!g Music Playlist at MixPod.comghost - ghost - MOBANGO - Free games, applications, themes, ringtones, wallpapers and videos for your mobile phoneDst n i have Lineghost B, M, I
Phone Model:public ghosthunterphone no77 BEB
Occupation:ada ler, goverment plang, p pt alam hantu no77
Company:bukan comany, uda ku cakap goverment pt alam hantu no77 majal jua kmu ani, ida prcaya call ke kerani ku, bila2 msa no nya 151
Schools:kita tak main la skola, kita main TEAM B, M, I GHOSTHUNTER,
Like:i lyk cari hantu, bawa video cam, n recrd it, membuli org n nakutkan org cakap besar, BeB
Hate:i hate lau hantu nya nda kuar2,
Fav. Music:ingin2 hati ku lh kn suka lgu apa hahahahaa
Fav. Movies:ghost movies n crita cali2 hamba allah
Fav. Books:al, quran ma lain2
Fav. Celebrity:osama laden sultan hj hassanal bolkiah, sultan omar ali, sbb dorang brjiwa rakyat, utama nya untuk orang2 islam
Skinner Since:16 years ago
Last Login:14 years ago

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