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Noy ;: I pierced my ears and made them bleed =E ..haha
Female,34,,Bullworth academy
Imma girl from a small town called by me k town fool (: , which village im from .. Ya'll no need to knw .. Im just an ordinary girl that always being herself .. Being here just to have friends,other than that .. Naah.. I gt piercing on my left lips .. But it dosen't mean that im punk or emos .. Bull's for that ..haa .. Its my property not yours so don't have to act like ure good enough (: and tho am so delightful to see but am not cheap for you to taste.. Endd

Relation:In a Relationship
Mobile Operator:Dst3g
Phone Model:Nokia
Schools:Ex, chung hwa mid sch and etc
Like:His the only drug that im addicted to
Hate:Ppl who hate me lha
Fav. Music:Easy listen, any kind music that make me sway
Fav. Movies:Tokyo friends
Fav. Books:Girlfriend
Fav. Celebrity:Eye set to kill, saosin and etc
Skinner Since:15 years ago
Last Login:15 years ago

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