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AyaTenshi: Request are welcome... Message me for some request
What You should know about me?! * Domo.. Aya-desu * 17 years old * Blood line: 50% Filipino, 25% Spanish and 25% Japanese * Currently Craving for: Tesshi and TEGOPI * School: UST * Current Program: SPED (I'm not a Special kid..XD) * Ichiban band: NEWS * Favorite OTP: TegoPi (I wouldn't exist without a daily dose of Tegopi) * Ichiban JE Member: Tegoshi Yuya * My BakaBeliefs: =If there's no TEGOPI in the world I WOULDN'T EXIST =Tesshi is NOT a GOD he is a GODDESS! *gets Killed* =Sooo.. If TesShi is my GODDESS then Pi is my GOD! *gets killed twice* =I'm Tesshi-Tegopi =I'm a TESSHI DEVOTEE & a TEGOPI DEVOTEE..

Occupation:Part Time Student, Wholetime Fangirl
Company:4L, XD
Like:NEWS, Tegoshi Yuya, TegoPi
Hate:Still thinking
Fav. Music:J, pop, NEWS, KAT, TUN, and other JE bands, Utada Hikaru
Fav. Movies:Currently addicted to, Kurosagi
Fav. Books:Popolo, Its not a book, Its a Magazine
Fav. Celebrity:Tegoshi Yuya, NEWS, Utada Hikaru
Skinner Since:16 years ago
Last Login:14 years ago

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