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0779709915 Send Message Sign Guestbook Add Friend My Photo My Friends Browse My Themes My Subscribtions Teto0100 : ودي أموت اليوم واعيش باكر وأشوف من بعد موتي ذكرني$ Male,36, ,Amman i did not have any information about me but you can know me_THIS IS MY MAIL(ahmad_88_a@yahoo.com) Relation: Is a SecretMobile Operator: umn and zain Phone Model: nokiå6120 , n95 , e66 Occupation: I will think in the futur not now cuz i have , nt ti Company: no company Schools: secoundry school Like: Would you dance if I asked you to dance , Would you run and never look back , Would you cry if you saw me crying , And would you save my soul , tonight , Woul Hate: The layer and who try jockhing on him Fav. Music: classicål Fav. Movies: batman , mask , transporter1 , 2 , 3 Fav. Books: quran Fav. Celebrity: Ronaldo , anglina , wa2el jasar , tamer hosny , my dad and mum Skinner Since: 16 years agoLast Login: 14 years ago
Evil and cruel !!
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