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00RAJ00 Send Message Sign Guestbook Add Friend My Photo My Friends Browse My Themes My Subscribtions Male,31, , hey this is raj,
i'm doing my b'tech in vit university
i like to play tennis . . . .its my life
i play almost all sports . . . . .and
i like to be simple Relation: SingleMobile Operator: Phone Model: lappy Occupation: student Company: Schools: st , peters model school Like: tennis , mj , bruce lee , many more Hate: waiting for somthing , my patience is a bit less Fav. Music: mj , enrique , miley , akon , bruno Fav. Movies: mr , bean movie , bruce lee pictures , tony jaa pictures , n jet lee Fav. Books: i guess there should be a column for hatred books , i hav a big list Fav. Celebrity: bruce lee , mj , jet lee , tony jaa , sharuk kahn Skinner Since: 13 years agoLast Login: 13 years ago
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