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pravin143s 11 years ago
What happen friend

pravin143s 11 years ago
Hi friend how r u

pravin143s 11 years ago
Welcome morning with a Smile On Your Face, Love in Your Heart, Good thoughts in your Mind and You Will have A wonderfull day. Good morning::

pravin143s 11 years ago
What r doving friend

pravin143s 11 years ago
Hi friend how r u

pravin143s 11 years ago
Friendship is vast like Universe, deep like Ocean, high like Sky, strong like Iron, kind like Mother, cute like Me, and sweet like U!

pravin143s 11 years ago
Willing to listen Always there A heart that’s open Kindness so rare. Eager to help Always sincere How lucky am I To find a friend so dear?

pravin143s 11 years ago
A gOOd SMS for gOOd person for a gOOd reason at a gOOd time On a gOOd day In a gOOd mood TO say "GOOD MORNING"

pravin143s 11 years ago
SWEETHEART, is a special word for LOVE, LOVE, is special word for CARE, CARE, is special word for FRIEND, and FRIEND, is special word for... 'YOU

pravin143s 11 years ago
For a nice friend "nice morning".. For a sweet friend "sweet morning" For a loving friend "lovely morning" For a Good friend "good morning"

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