L0veHuRt 12 years ago [b][color=#00aa00][size=24]:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:
Text me when you are sad, text me when you need someone to listen to and you can't find anyone who will. I don't care if I'm your last option, I just don't want you to cry alone.
L0veHuRt 12 years ago [b][color=#b1acef][size=24]▓●○▓●○▓●○▓●○▓
Its Funny How
One Text,
One Song,
One Mistake,
One Lie,
One Truth,
One Word,
One Person Could Change Your MoodIn
One Second … !!
Have a guD daE..
N TakE caRe
L0veHuRt 12 years ago [img]http://www.desicomments.com/graphics/butterfly/80.gif[/img][img]http://www.desicomments.com/graphics/butterfly/81.gif[/img]
L0veHuRt 12 years ago [b][size=24][color=#cccc00]♥►◄►◄►♥◄►♥◄►◄►♥◄►♥◄►◄►♥
When you are sad, just look at the sky and find the brightest star. If you can’t find it,don’t worry for it’s just there somewhere, hidden, just like me. I may not always show up but I’m always here for you.
Friends don’t have to understand, do you favors, hold your hand, care for you, give you courage and see you through. Friends don’t have to be but they do.
julyannah25 12 years ago share a
little love
whenever you
do small
favors for
if possible,
never refuse
simple requests
for a little
kindness is
never forgoten
have a wonderful day..
mylove0015 12 years ago Thanks 4 visit my profile , Good morning :sun: :heart: [img]http://www.desicomments.com/dc2/03/195772/1957721.png[/img] :heart: If You Are Alone , Ill Be Your Shadow , If You Want To Cry , Ill Be Your Shoulder , If You R not Happy , Ill Be Your Smile , If Your Need Me , Ill Be Always Be there . :heart: [img]http://www.desicomments.com/dc1/11/158549/158549.gif[/img] :heart: keep smilling :P
L0veHuRt 12 years ago [b][size=24][color=#c20000]♥►◄►◄►♥◄►♥◄►◄►♥◄►♥◄►◄►♥
If you're gonna rip my heart out could you use a knife that's dull and rust in color there will be no way that you can cover that scar.