Addaello 11 years ago
[size=14][/size] [color=#c20000] قولي احبك كي تزيد وسامتي فبغير حبك لا أكون جميلا قولي احبك كي تصير أصابعي ذهب و تصبح جبهتي قنديلا ألان قوليها ولا تترددي بعض الهوى لا يقبل التأجيلا سأغير التقويم لو أحببتني أمحو فصول أو أضيف فصولا وسينتهي العصر القديم على يدي وأقيم عاصمة النساء بديلا ملك أنا لو تصبحين حبيبتي أغزو الشموس مراكب و خيولا لا تخجلي مني فهذه فرصتي لأكون بين العاشقين رسولا[/color]
MizZvALeNtInE 12 years ago [b][color=#000000][size=24][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img]
3 things I want in a relationship:
1.Eyes that wont cry:,(,
2.lips than wont lie:shh: and that wont die:love:..
Keep smiling:hee:
MizZvALeNtInE 12 years ago [b][color=#000000][size=24][img],chestnut,girl,dp,people,scarf-271b7a0d0b4966810e5cace9466f7eda_h.jpg[/img][img][/img][img][/img]
Never Ignore a person who
Luvs u
Cares 4 u &
Misses U
One day u may wake up frmur sleep
And realize that u’ve lost the moon while counting stars ……..!!!!
MizZvALeNtInE 12 years ago [size=24][b][color=#000000][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img]
A special smile a special face,
A special someone no one can replace.
I love you and always will,
You�ve filled a space no one could fill.
MizZvALeNtInE 12 years ago [size=24][b][color=#000000][img][/img][img][/img]
May ur heart b happy & ur days b bright.
May ur roads b smooth & ur burdens light.
May u find dreams & touch a star &
never forget how special U R
have a gud dae n keep smiling:)
MizZvALeNtInE 12 years ago [b][color=#c20000][img][/img]
I’m sending “U” a Teddy Bear ….
So …
Love It!!!
Kiss It!!!
Hug It!!!
keep that Teddy Carefully
Coz. Teddy has my heart
Happy Teddy Day my friend!!
Gong Xi Fa Cai
Let me be among the FIRST to greet you “XIN NIAN KUAI LE, CONG XI FA CHAI” 新年快樂, 恭喜發財!
MizZvALeNtInE 12 years ago [b][color=#000000][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img]
With this rose,I reveal all my
thoughts and feelings about you
that I have with held for so long.
I feel when I am with you I am like a rose,not because of it?s beauty,
but because I am able to bloom and grow with you.
akosijovie 12 years ago Hello. How are you? Follow me on twitter @joviebarcelo. THANKS. :))