kumahmirabel 12 years ago my name is mirabel Actually i came looking for a
friend on ( www21.ownskin.com) when i found your page,
and it really interest me to contact you for a
true friendship with you Please reply me directly
on my mail box here (kumahmirabel66@yahoo.co.uk)
i shall
explain all about myself Please try to contact me here.
mirabel kumah.
whitewine 12 years ago
:heart:[color=#aa00aa][size=14][i][b]EvEry mOmEnt yOu gEt a gift , spEnd it On thingS that mattEr...[/b][/i][/size][/color]:heart:
:heart:[color=#ef9898][size=14][i][b]dOnt spEnd it be dwElling On unhaPpy thingS !![/b][/i][/size][/color][/color]:heart:
:heart: [color=#aa00aa][size=14][i][b]GoOd[/b][/i][/size][/color] [color=#ef9898][size=14][i][b]mOrning[/b][/i][/size][/color][/color] :heart:
:heart:[color=#aa00aa][size=14][i][b]HaVe a wOn[/b][/i][/size][/color][color=#ef9898][size=14][i][b]dErful day[/b][/i][/size][/color][/color]:heart:
whitewine 12 years ago
:sun: :heart: [color=#08e2f0][size=14][i][b]GoOd mOrning my sweEthEart[/b][/i][/size][/color] :heart: :sun:
:sun: :heart: [color=#08e2f0][size=14][i][b]gOd blEsS yOur day aNd keEp yOu sElf frOm harm aNd mOrE [/b][/i][/size][/color] :heart: :sun:
:sun: :heart: [color=#08e2f0][size=14][i][b]aNd may yOu havE a bEttEr OnE than thE day bEforE ![/b][/i][/size][/color] :heart: :sun:
:sun: :heart: [color=#08e2f0][size=14][i][b]WhitewinE[/b][/i][/size][/color] :heart: :sun:
whitewine 12 years ago :heart:[color=#b1acef]:heart:[size=14][i][b]GoOd mOrning my sweEty[/b][/i][/size][/color]:heart:[/color]:heart:
:heart:[color=#b1acef]:heart:[size=14][i][b]HOpE yOur weEk iS Off tO a goOd start[/b][/i][/size][/color]:heart:[/color] :heart:
:heart:[color=#b1acef]:heart:[size=14][i][b]HavE a pErfEct mOnday[/b][/i][/size][/color]:heart::heart:
:heart:[color=#b1acef]:heart:[size=14][i][b]TakE carE Of yOursElf[/b][/i][/size][/color]:heart:[/color]:heart:
whitewine 12 years ago
:adore::heart: :adore:
:heart: [/size] [color=#0000aa]Sweet dream[/color] :heart:
:adore::heart: :adore: