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xnirx 12 years ago
[color=#00aa00] ╔══╗░░░░╔╦╗░░╔═════╗ ║╚═╬════╬╣╠═╗║░▀░▀░║ ╠═╗║╔╗╔╗║║║╩╣║╚═══╝║ ╚══╩╝╚╝╚╩╩╩═╝╚═════╝ [/size][/color][b][color=#c20000][size=18] Eid is the combination of 3 meaningful words ***[img]http://www.desicomments.com/dc1/09/142068/142068.JPG[/img]***[/b][/size][/color][color=#08e2f0] MUBARIK MUBARIK MUBARIK MUBARIK MUBARIK MUBARIK MUBARIK MUBARIK MUBARIK MUBARIK MUBARIK MUBARIK MUBARIK MUBARIK MUBARIK MUBARIK MUBARIK MUBARIK MUBARIK MUBARIK MUBARIK MUBARIK MUBARIK MUBARIK MUBARIK MUBARIK MUBARIK MUBARIK [/size][/color][b][color=#c20000][size=18] E - Embrace with open heart:grouphug: [/b][/size][/color][color=#08e2f0] MUBARIK MUBARIK MUBARIK MUBARIK MUBARIK MUBARIK MUBARIK MUBARIK MUBARIK MUBARIK MUBARIK MUBARIK MUBARIK MUBARIK MUBARIK [/size][/color][b][color=#c20000][size=18] I - Inspire with impressive attitude:) [/b][/size][/color][color=#08e2f0] MUBARIK MUBARIK MUBARIK...MUBARIK MUBARIK.....MUBARIK MUBARIK.......MUBARIK MUBARIK.......MUBARIK MUBARIK.......MUBARIK MUBARIK.......MUBARIK MUBARIK.......MUBARIK MUBARIK.......MUBARIK MUBARIK.......MUBARIK MUBARIK.......MUBARIK MUBARIK.......MUBARIK MUBARIK.....MUBARIK MUBARIK...MUBARIK MUBARIK MUBARIK [/size][/color][b][color=#c20000][size=18] D - Distribute pleasure to all:dance: ***[img]http://www.desicomments.com/dc1/11/157279/157279.gif[/img]***[/b][/size][/color][color=#00aa00] ╔══╗────╔╗─╔╗ ║╔╗║────║║─║║ ║╚╝╚╦══╗║╚═╝╠══╦══╦══╦╗─╔╗ ║╔═╗║║═╣║╔═╗║╔╗║╔╗║╔╗║║─║║ ║╚═╝║║═╣║║─║║╔╗║╚╝║╚╝║╚═╝║ ╚═══╩══╝╚╝─╚╩╝╚╣╔═╣╔═╩═╗╔╝ ───────────────║║─║║─╔═╝║ ───────────────╚╝─╚╝─╚══╝ [/size][/color]

xnirx 12 years ago
[color=#08e2f0]...★ ★╰♡ [img]http://0.1.0.img98.net/out.php/i427230_482113-399758546749701-24517-n.jpg[/img]♡╮★ ★... [/size][/color][color=#2746ff] ï mïss ÿöü whën sömëthïnġ rëällÿ ġööd häppëns, bëċäüsë ÿöü ärë thë önë ï wänt tö shärë ït wïth. ï mïss ÿöü whën sömëthïnġ ïs tröüblïnġ më, bëċäüsë ÿöü ärë thë önë whö ündërständs më sö wëll. ï mïss ÿöü whën ï läüġh änd ċrÿ bëċäüsë ï knöw thät ÿöü ärë thë önë thät mäkës mÿ läüġhtër ġröw änd mÿ tëärs dïsäppëär, ï mïss ÿöü äll thë tïmë. büt ï mïss ÿöü möst whën ï läÿ äwäkë ät nïġht änd thïnk öf äll thë wöndërfül tïmës, wë spënt wïth ëäċh öthër!!! för thösë wërë sömë öf thë bëst tïmës öf mÿ lïfë... [img]http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/31/dreamerlovephotographyq.jpg[/img][img]http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/821/e16aba2fe9f221cadccf92b.jpg[/img][img]http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/600/endgirlokayskystars4410.jpg[/img] [/size][/color][b][color=#c20000]żïndäġï.. ÿäänï kÿä? [/b][/size][/color] ëk dhündlï sï shääm,4 frnds,4 ċüp ċhäï,1 täblë!! [b][color=#c20000] żïndäġï.. ÿänï kÿä?[/b][/size][/color] ċöllëġë kë döst,bünk kïÿä hüä lëċtürë,1 käċhörï, 2 sämösë äür bïll pär hönëwälä jhäġdä! [b][color=#c20000]żïndäġï.. ÿänï kÿä?[/b][/size][/color] phönë üthätë hï pädnë wälï döst kï mëëthï sï ġälï, äür sörrÿ këhnë pär, 1 äür ġäälï!! [b][color=#c20000]żïndäġï.. ÿänï kÿä?[/b][/size][/color] küċh sälö bääd, äċhnäk püränë döstö kï ÿääd!1 sms, dhündhlï pädï küċh bhëġï ÿädëïn äür, änkhö mëïn äÿë hüë äänsü!! [img]http://0.1.0.img98.net/out.php/i428926_funny-adorable-photograph637x3.jpg[/img][img]http://0.1.0.img98.net/out.php/i428928_pen-background-minimalism400x4.jpg[/img][/size][/color][b][color=#c20000] mäÿ nähï jäntä ÿëë żïndäġï.. kÿä?[/b][/size][/color] pär döst tërë ÿäääd..tërë müskürät..tërë här bäääät... fïrse ÿääd dïlätä häÿ...mäÿ żïndä hüüün....[/size][/color][color=#08e2f0] ...★ ★╰♡[img]http://0.1.0.img98.net/out.php/i428925_favim.com-483830x4.jpg[/img]♡╮★ ★... [/size][/color]

xnirx 12 years ago
[size=18] Actually Physically Chemically Biologically Equally Simply Truly Badly Gladly Zoologically Botanically Sadly Rightly Wrongly Correctly Rarely Darely Madly Surely Quickly Slowly Historically Mathematically Farely Shortly Longly Dully Fully Brucelee Jetlee Brettlee Idly Chilli Pilli Balli Completely Really Highly Lowly Hardly Softly Carefully Totally Truthfully and Finally I just wanted to say Good Night Differently:hee: :heart::sleeping:

xnirx 12 years ago
[color=#f0a2eb] ╰╰╮╰╰╮╮ ♡(^◡^)♡ ╰╰╮╮╰╮╮ [/size][/color] All religions are same!!! We have 26 alphabets in English, as given below? A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 S T U V W X Y Z 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 With each alphabet getting a number, in chronological order, as above, study the following, and bring down the total to a single digit and see the result yourself. [color=#f0a2eb][size=18] H I N D U***[img]http://1.0.0.img98.net/out.php/i413816_lord-krishna-janmashtami-g2222.gif[/img][/size][/color] S h r e e K r i s h n a 19+8+18+5+5+11+18+9+19+8+14+1=135=9 [color=#f0a2eb][size=18] M U S L I M***[img]http://1.0.0.img98.net/out.php/i413818_mosques-31h.jpg[/img][/size][/color] M o h a m m e d 13+15+8+1+13+13+5+4=72=9 [color=#f0a2eb][size=18] JAIN***[img]http://1.0.0.img98.net/out.php/i413787_jainism.jpg[/img][/size][/color] M a h a v i r 13+1+8+1+22+9+18=72=9 [color=#f0a2eb][size=18] S I K H***[img]http://1.0.0.img98.net/out.php/i413817_ccbac2e5guru-nanak.jpg[/img][/size][/color] G u r u N a n a k 7+21+18+21+14+1+14+1+11=108=9 [color=#f0a2eb][size=18] P A R S I***[img]http://1.0.0.img98.net/out.php/i413788_prophet-zarathustra.jpg[/img][/size][/color] Z a r a t h u s t r a 26+1+18+1+20+8+21+19+20+18+1=153=9 [color=#f0a2eb][size=18] B U D D H I S T***[img]http://1.0.0.img98.net/out.php/i413813_bodhgaya-mahabodhibuddha2.jpg[/img][/size][/color] G a u t a m 7+1+21+20+1+13=63=9 [color=#f0a2eb][size=18] C R H I S T I A N***[img]http://1.0.0.img98.net/out.php/i413815_jesusbluespaceearth.jpg[/img][/size][/color] Esa Messiah 5+19+1+13+5+19+19+9+1+8=99=18=9 Each one ends with number 9 THAT IS NATURE’S CREATION.:) That all religions are same!!! [color=#f0a2eb][size=18] Amazing!![img]http://1.0.0.img98.net/out.php/i413789_1world.jpg[/img] :(YET MAN FIGHTS WITH MAN, ON RELIGIOUS ISSUES???:spin: [/size][/color] Wishing Your Happy Life My Friend... [color=#f0a2eb] ╰╰╮╰╰╮╮ ♡(^◡^)♡ ╰╰╮╮

xnirx 12 years ago
[color=#08e2f0] ╰╰╮╮╰╰╮╮ :heart: ╰╰╮╮╰╰╮╮ ...★ ★NATURE OF GALZZ★ ★... [img]http://1.0.0.img98.net/out.php/i411791_1b1210c16439c78abd34b3aec6bda0.jpg[/img][img]http://1.0.0.img98.net/out.php/i411804_124bb0924fd487aad10fba2535eba4.jpg[/img][img]http://1.0.0.img98.net/out.php/i411805_98f8ba5447b4c955579c9d6fda7d0a.jpg[/img] [/size][/color][color=#aa00aa] She pushes Doors that clearly says PULL,:p She laughs harder when She tries to explain why She Is laughing,:hee: She walks into room and forget why She was there, She counts on her fingers in math class,:) She tries to accomplish things with time still on the microwave,:hee: She lies sometimes to hide the pain,:) She cry a lot more that U think She can do,:rofl: She may not so strong as her smile seems to be,:) She gets attached to people who care even little bit about her.,:) A broken nail is as painful as broken heart ,:p She say it's a long story when its really not,:rofl: She fell in love too hard too fast...:shy2: And She always care more than She can...:thumb: [/size][/color][color=#08e2f0] [img]http://1.0.0.img98.net/out.php/i411806_f30391d2f91f372bad31248c8f76f8.jpg[/img][img]http://1.0.0.img98.net/out.php/i411809_c69ee4a054082f35013a507e561f64.jpg[/img][img]http://1.0.0.img98.net/out.php/i411796_be2e9ffbab27124d568addb67ddbbe.jpg[/img] [img]http://1.0.0.img98.net/out.php/i411794_6d54bd06547748a8eee68a8cf8e6b9.jpg[/img][img]http://1.0.0.img98.net/out.php/i411800_8776c552b809581f433fd84364089d.jpg[/img][img]http://1.0.0.img98.net/out.php/i411808_ee186c8631e724cd460f4516525c1b.jpg[/img] So My Dear Friends, Respect the MOST BEAUTIFUL CREATION of GOD...:) ╰╰╮╮╰╰╮╮ :heart::heart: ╰╰╮╮╰╰╮╮ [/size][/color]

Shoheldada 12 years ago
Hello,how r u.Tnx 2 u 4 add me.

xnirx 12 years ago
[color=#08e2f0] ╰♡ ☆ ☆╰☆╮╰☆╮☆ ☆ ♡╮ :). . .Friendship . . .:) [/size][/color][color=#00aa00] . . . is you . . . . . . is love . . . . . . is shared. . . . . . is forgiving. . . . . . is understanding . . . . . . is shared secrets . . . . . . heals many hurts . . . . . . is not judgmental . . . . . . is shared laughter . . . . . . is slow and steady . . . . . . can be angry at times . . . . . . is dependable and true . . . . . . is more precious than silver or gold . . . . . . is meant to be savored like fine wine . . . . . . is not perfect, much like we are not perfect . . . . . . does not hold grudges or demand perfection . . . . . . makes all the wrong things in life, right somehow . . . . . . is meant to be gulped like lemonade on a hot summer day . . . . . . is always there, through times of trial, happy times and hard times . . . . . . just happens, but once discovered, needs to be tended like a beautiful garden . . . . . . is a road to be traveled slowly, remembering the sights and sounds . . . . . . is strength when you are too weak to notice its there . . . . . . is a cherished moment of mutual understanding . . . . . . reaches into your heart and grabs a firm hold . . . . . . is a refreshing rain on a hot day . . . . . . is sunshine through the clouds . . . . . . cannot be forced or induced . . . . . . is relaxed and comfortable . . . . . . is a shoulder to lean on . . . . . . is an ear to whine to . . . . . . gets better with age . . . . . . is shared tears . . . . . . is shared pain . . . . . . is shared joy . . . . . . is shared . . . . . . is love . . . [/size][/color][color=#08e2f0] :). . . is you . . .:) [img]http://www.comment365.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/aga2-1.png[/img][img]http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/s480x480/548873_10151015229894545_534054214_n.jpg[/img][img]http://i6.tagstat.com/image07/a/0089/000Q05zGw29.jpg[/img] ki deshi vai,basa kothay??? ╰♡ ★ ★╰☆╮╰☆╮★ ★ ♡╮ [/size][/color]

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