mrALONSO 13 years ago They say it takes a minute,to find a special person,
an hour to appreciate them,
a day to love them,but then an entire life to forget them:(
mrALONSO 13 years ago Choose to write on a Christmas card full of blessings
Address is written, heart and you can not receive it
Ask myself used to it
Without you, every night the echoes become very large
There is no good way
More obedient to loneliness
Lina5462 13 years ago [img][/img] [color=#705b31][size=24]:heart: HI :heart:[/size][/color] [img][/img] [color=#705b31]:heart: [size=24]HOW ARE YOU?[/size] :heart:[/color] [img][/img] [color=#705b31][size=24]:heart: WHAT ARE YOU DOING NOW? :heart:[/size][/color] [img][/img] [color=#705b31][size=24]:heart: HAVE YOU EAT? :heart:[/size][/color] [img][/img] [color=#705b31][size=24]:heart: I MISS YOU :heart:[/size][/color] [color=#705b31][size=24]:heart: GRANDPA :heart:[/size][/color]
Domomokun 13 years ago bad teacher:hmm: u really bAD YA:hmm: i think dat u 4got ur bad student at all rite :hmm: u bad pig 4Eva :hmm:
Domomokun 13 years ago :shy2: my :love: :p :p i misS U mORE TODAY :( IS SO BORED WITHOUT U :(
Domomokun 13 years ago :p:cutepig: DaDDY :,( I misS U :$
mar020593 13 years ago [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img]
[color=#aa00aa][size=24]SOME PEOPLE COME INTO OUR LIVES[/size][/color] [color=#aa00aa][size=24]AND QUICKLY GO[/size][/color] [color=#aa00aa][size=24]SOME STAY FOR A WHILE[/size][/color] [color=#aa00aa][size=24]AND LEAVE FOOTPRINTS IN OUR HEARTS[/size][/color] [color=#aa00aa][size=24]AND WE ARE NEVER, EVER THE SAME[/size][/color]
Domomokun 13 years ago :$ I :heart:U :$ Alen :( I misS U :,(