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AZAD31 12 years ago
[size=24]السَّلامُ عَلَيک يَا أميرَ المُؤمِنين يَا عَلي بنَ أبي طالِب[/size] [size=18]as-salam-o alayk ya Amir al-mo’menin ya Ali(A) ibn Abu-Talib frid vare över dig O Amir al-mo’menin (de troendes Mästare) O Ali ibn Abu-Talib[/size) [size=18]A man approached the holy prophet of islam and complained of hunger .the holy prophet sent some one to the houses of his families;but unfortunately none of families had any food ;the prophet then turned to those who were in his attendance and asked:who can host this man tonight?.. imam ali (p.b.u.h)offered his services,held his hand and left for his house,then asked his wife sayyadah Fatima (p.b.u.h)"what food do we have ?"alittle provision enough for children only"Fatima replied…. ali (p.b.u.h)told her: the guest must come first before ourselves and the children" Fatima (p.b.u.h) had to put in great effort her children to sleep since they were hungry.ali (p.b.u.h)offered to the guest whtever he had and pretending to set the lamp right put it out.he invited the guest to the food in the darkness of the room and himself sat there pretending as if he also was eating.though in fact he didn’t take a single morsel…………… ali ,Fatima and their children fed the guest for the pleasure og allah and remained hungry themselves.[/size]:heart: :heart:

AZAD31 12 years ago
[size=24]السَّلامُ عَلَيک يَا أميرَ المُؤمِنين يَا عَلي بنَ أبي طالِب[/size] [size=18]as-salam-o alayk ya Amir al-mo’menin ya Ali(A) ibn Abu-Talib frid vare över dig O Amir al-mo’menin (de troendes Mästare) O Ali ibn Abu-Talib[/size) [size=18]A man approached the holy prophet of islam and complained of hunger .the holy prophet sent some one to the houses of his families;but unfortunately none of families had any food ;the prophet then turned to those who were in his attendance and asked:who can host this man tonight?.. imam ali (p.b.u.h)offered his services,held his hand and left for his house,then asked his wife sayyadah Fatima (p.b.u.h)"what food do we have ?"alittle provision enough for children only"Fatima replied…. ali (p.b.u.h)told her: the guest must come first before ourselves and the children" Fatima (p.b.u.h) had to put in great effort her children to sleep since they were hungry.ali (p.b.u.h)offered to the guest whtever he had and pretending to set the lamp right put it out.he invited the guest to the food in the darkness of the room and himself sat there pretending as if he also was eating.though in fact he didn’t take a single morsel…………… ali ,Fatima and their children fed the guest for the pleasure og allah and remained hungry themselves.[/size]:heart: :heart:

bloodthirstykitten 12 years ago
LOvE iS likE a flOwEr And if yOu dOnt knOw hOw tO takE carE Of it, It will diE :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

AZAD31 12 years ago

AZAD31 13 years ago
[img]http://data.whicdn.com/images/17927577/119098_large.jpg[/img] :hee: :hee: :hee: :hee: :hee:

AZAD31 13 years ago
[size=24]im fine crazy boy[/size] :hee: :hee: :hee: :hee: :hee: :hee: ;rolf;

AZAD31 13 years ago
who told it?last ni8?:p :p [img] Take Care Glitter Scraps[/img]

diksha52 13 years ago

AZAD31 13 years ago

AZAD31 13 years ago
[img]http://img1.funscrape.com/en/flowerspresentation/78.jpg[/img] [img]Lady Bug Note Generators[/img]

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