duatewise 12 years ago This day will come and go, whether you do anything with it or not. So decide right now to do every good thing you can imagine with it while it is here.
duatewise 12 years ago A man enter a joint n says 2
d barman: giv me a bottle of star
n giv everybody here a bottle
of star also... cos wen I drink
star,everybody shld drink
star... D barman obeys. Next he
tells d barman: 'giv me a plate of
pepper-soup and giv everybody
a plate of pepper soup also... cos wen I take
pepper soup,everybody shld take pepper
soup'... Again d barman obeys. Den he tells d
barman: 'o ya come n giv me my bill n also giv
everybody dier bills also.. cos wen I pay my
bill,everybody should pay dier bills...
duatewise 12 years ago You say you want to see me smile
well, lets just say, it's been a while
but i'll give you a chance, to do this for me
can you give me a reason? a chance to be free?
let me out of this prison, i'm offering you the key
please won't you take it, and just set me free
all i need is a friend, let's try it for a while
all i'm asking from you, is a reason to smile..
duatewise 12 years ago If there is man 2 pray, there is a God 2 answer......!!
yos893 12 years ago [img]https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/s320x320/534931_312875072115311_130749800327840_752555_624045600_n.jpg[/img]
yos893 12 years ago [img]https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/p480x480/581585_253884024708047_100002593532169_496317_421318471_n.jpg[/img]
duatewise 12 years ago Let us always meet each other with smile, for the smile is the beginning of love.
duatewise 12 years ago " A new day is the biggest opportunity of your life."
duatewise 12 years ago " The goal you missed... is not the end for the match. But it is the one that will propel you to take the next as best.So without thinking of the one you missed, try to get the best."
duatewise 12 years ago Life can be difficult, and yet there’s no sense in adding to the burden. Instead of assuming more and more needs, choose to question those needs