333968 12 years ago
[size=18][b]HAVE A GOOD DAY
:shy2: :)
maruf794 12 years ago [b][color=#c20000][size=18]
I mIsS YoU WhEn sOmEtHiNg rEaLLy GoOd hApPeNs,
BeCaUsE YoU ArE ThE OnE I WaNt tO ShArE It wItH.
I mIsS YoU WhEn sOmEtHiNg iS TrOubLinG Me,
BeCaUsE YoU ArE ThE OnE WhO UnDeRsTaNdS Me sO WeLL.
I MiSs yOu wHeN I LaUgH AnD CrY
BeCaUsE I KnOw tHaT YoU ArE ThE OnE
ThAt mAkEs mY LaUgHtEr gRoW AnD My tEaRs dIsApPeAr.
I MiSs yOu aLL tHe tImE,
BuT i mIsS YoU MoSt wHeN I LaY AwAkE At nIgHt aNd
ThInK oF aLL ThE WoNdErFuL TiMeS
We sPeNt wItH EaCh oThEr
FoR tHoSe wErE SoMe oF ThE BeSt tImEs oF My LiFe...
''ZiNdAgI.. YaAnI KyA?
eK DhUnDlI Si sHaAm,4 FrNdS,4 cUp cHaI,1 tAbLe!!
ZiNdAgI.. YaNi kYa?
CoLlEgE Ke dOsT,bUnK KiYa hUa LecTuRe,1 KaChOrI,
2 sAmOsE AuR BiLL pAr hOnEwALa JhAgDa!
ZinDaGi.. yAnI KyA?
pHoNe uThAtE Hi pAdNe wALi DoSt kI MeEtHi sI GaLi,
AuR SoRrY KeHnE PaR, 1 aUr gAaLi!!
ZiNdAgI.. YaNi kYa?
KuCh saLo BaAd,
AcHnAk pUrAnE DoStO Ki yAaD!1 sMs,
DhUnDhLi pAdI KuCh bHeGi yAdEiN AuR,
aNkHo mEiN AyE HuE AaNsU!!''
mAy nAhI JaNtA YeE ZiNdAgI.. KyA?":spin::(
PaR DoSt tErE YaAaD..tErE MuSkUrAt..TeRe hAr bAaAaT...
fIr yAaD DiLaTa hAy...mAy zInDa hUuUn......
maruf794 13 years ago [color=#aa00aa][size=18]
A BoY LoVeD A GirL bUt tHe gIrL HaTeD HiM..
Boy sAiD ThAt he’LL cHaNgE HeR HaTeD iNtO LoVe &
SaiD ThAt he’LL sTaNd iN FrOnT Of hEr hOuSe tiLL NeXt 100 dAyS..
StoRmS N RaInS CaMe bUt tHe bOy dIdN’T MoVeD..
ThE gIrL StArTd faLLnG In LovE WiTh hIm oN 99Th dAy..
GirL dEcIdEd tHaT She’LL sAy tHaT ShE AlSo LovEs hIm..
WiTh tHe rIsE Of sUn oF 100tH DaY ThE GirL wEnT OuT
BuT ThE BoY WaSn’t tHeRe..
ShE FoUnD A PaPeR On wHiCh iT WaS WrItTeN
''U SiT At hOmE AnD EnJoY Ur sNaCkS...
i gOt cOmMiTtEd tO Ur nEiGhBoUr....''
MORAL-wEn u gEt LovE..rEsPeCt iT AnD KeEp uR AtTiTuDe
InsIdE D PoCkEt….!
tHe bEsT ThInG Is LisTeNiNg tO
SoMeOnE'S HeArTbEaT AnD KnOwInG..
It's bEaTiNg bEcAuSe oF YoU
hApPy vAlEnTiNeS DaY...:thumb:
:) [img]http://img1.imagehousing.com/1/df954ce277e94eff7d1fae85a9f0afda.jpg[/img] :)
:note: [img]http://img1.imagehousing.com/1/b3d8fb4636d690ce8cd9c250af65c1e6.gif[/img] :note:
:heart: [img]http://img1.imagehousing.com/1/976c3201db6a0ec2af7e4499ca8b55df.gif[/img] :heart:
sergyfilatov 13 years ago [img]http://img1.123tagged.com/en/GreatWeekend/175.jpg[/img]
333968 13 years ago
[size=18][b]TAKE CARE
Kratosdking 13 years ago [img] Get More From http://emotionalfool.com [/img]
muratim24 13 years ago s
:shy2: :shy2: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :shy2: :shy2:
musanu 13 years ago [img]http://static1.glowtxt.com/data1/3/0/a/30afd3d727d4998db97be5c748d674a2dfe715bdf4c4a78f633c4adcdce6aa447918013bfce2f634eec6e0506c172798dd2d7f34eac4b865419ef1390cb9fceff07089eb15f18b8f0cdcbaba.gif[/img] [img]http://img1.123friendster.com/en/belatednew%20earwishes/4.gif[/img] [img]http://www.flamingpetal.co.nz/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/lanterns1.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.flamingpetal.co.nz/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/Lavender.jpg[/img]
elameral 13 years ago :sun: :sun:
:heart: [b][i][size=18][color=#d09537]el[/color][color=#08e2f0]am[/color][color=#ef9898]er[/color][color=#00aa00]al[/color] [/size] [/i] [/b]
:sun: :sun:
[b][i][size=18][color=#aa00aa]happy new year[/color][/size][/i] [/b]