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S0OJISUB 10 years ago
:heart:Another year of success and happiness has passed.:heart: :heart:With every new year, comes greater challenges and obstacles in life.:heart: I wish you courage, hope and faith to overcome all the hurdles you face:cheerleader: May you have a great year and a wonderful time ahead.:shy2: God bless you Nd happy new year :heart::heart::shy2::heart::heart:

wanlapha 11 years ago
[size=24] ...Good Noon... ...Have a Beautiful Day... KeD

wanlapha 11 years ago
[size=24] ...Good Morning... ...Have a Lovely Day... KeD

wanlapha 11 years ago
[size=24] ...Good Morning... ...Have a Joyful Day... KeD

wanlapha 11 years ago
[size=24] ...Good Morning... ...Have a Wonderful Day... KeD

wanlapha 11 years ago
[size=24] ...Good Morning... ...Have a Lovely Sunday... KeD

xnirx 11 years ago
:sun:Each day,:sun: You can be, Whatever you want to be. Each day, You can do, Whatever you want to do. Always be happy and kind, And surround yourself with love. The sun will shine down on you, :sun:From up above.:sun: :)hello, how are yo:)

mannaggiamadonna 11 years ago
hi sunny :smile:

xnirx 11 years ago
[b][color=#c20000][size=18] ╰❤╮╰★╮ :sun::heart::sun:╰★╮╰❤╮ [/b][/size][/color][color=#08e2f0][size=18] I ASKED WHICH IS THE MOST BEAUTIFUL THING IN THE WORLD.. [/size][/color][b][color=#00aa00][size=18] MY FRIEND SAID…IT IS “FAITH”.. YOU FIND IT IN EVERY HEART.. [/b][/size][/color][b][color=#c20000][size=18] I ASKED A BRIDE.. SHE REPLIED…IT IS “LOVE” IT MAKES A POOR MAN RICH.. [/b][/size][/color][b][color=#08e2f0][size=18] I ASKED A SOLDIER.. HE SAID…IT IS “PEACE”… BEAUTY DWELLS WHERE THERE IS PEACE.. [/b][/size][/color][color=#00aa00][size=18] I WAS WONDERING HOW TO CONNECT THEM.. AND RETURNED HOME…WITH A HEAVY HEART.. [/size][/color][b][color=#c20000][size=18] THE DOOR OPENED…. I COULD SEE “FAITH” IN THE EYES OF MY BROTHERS & SISTERS.. “LOVE” IN THE EYES OF MY PARENTS….AND.. “PEACE” IN MY HOUSE…BUILT BY “FAITH” AND “LOVE”. [/b][/size][/color][color=#08e2f0][size=18] SO THE MOST BEAUTIFUL THING IN THE WORLD IS “HOME”. [/size][/color][b][color=#c20000][size=18] :)[img]http://s14.postimg.org/gi18rlk19/IMG_0764.jpg[/img] :) :sun:[img]http://s11.postimg.org/mzg8khfsf/000m01_AAt_Cn_6.jpg[/img]:sun: ╰❤╮╰★╮ :sun::heart::sun:╰★╮╰❤╮ [/b][/size][/color]

wanlapha 11 years ago
[size=24] ...Good Morning... ...Have a Wonderful Day... KeD

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