Anton71 12 years ago [img][/img]
Faiziii143 12 years ago "NEw" Nööñ
"NEw" Suñ
"NEw" Dày
"ÑEw" Pläñs
"ÑEw" Høpés
"ÑÉw" Sùccéss
"NÉw" Fééliñgs
I pray to ALLAH
to give U A
"HÄPPY & Successful Day"
:sun:"Good-Aftr Noon":sun:
Anton71 12 years ago [img][/img]
Faiziii143 12 years ago Happy Independence Day...
Thanks Quaid-e-Azam and those people who gave sacrifices for Pakistan
:)Salam pakistan:)
:heart:& All Dear farnds:heart: