alien2012 13 years ago [img][/img] :hee:
exbr2011 13 years ago :heart:
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good afternoon my friend
maruf794 13 years ago WhY Do bOyS NeEd a fRiEnD WhO Is a gIrL ???:o bEcAuSe: -ShE WiLl nEvEr lEaVe u aLoNe wHeN U ArE SaD…:) -sHe wIlL SeE To iT ThAt u dO Ur wOrKs oN TiMe…:) -ShE WiLl mAkE SuRe u dOn’t sKiP MeAlS To pLaY MaTcHeS & Do wOrK…:D -sHe wIlL AsK U To lEaVe uR BaD HaBiTs eVeRyDaY, eVeRy tImE…:hee: -sHe wIlL FiGhT WiTh u oN SmAlL MaTtErS, bT WoN’T KeEp d aNgEr fOr lOnG…:note: -sHe wIlL MaKe yOu mOnEy-wIsE…:money: -sHe wIlL SaY: dOn’t w0rRy, EvEn iF ThErE’S LoT To wOrRy oR NoThInG To wOrRy...:love: -sHe wIlL MaKe yOu pUnCtUaL…:o -sHe wIlL HeLp yOu rEsTrAiN Ur aNgEr…:) -ShE WiLl tAlK To u 15 TiMeS A DaY To kNoW WhAt u’rE DoInG…:hee: U MiGhT FeEl bUgGeD At tImEs, Bt tRuTh iS ThAt yOu cAn’t dO AnYtHiNg wItHoUt hEr…:shy2: As gIrLs aRe sPeCiAl gIfT Of gOd fOr bOyS…:note: So... rEaLiZe tHeIr wOrTh aNd tAkE CaRe 0F ThEm…:heart: dEdIcAtEd tO AlL GiRlS AnD BoYs wHo sHaRe tHe lOvE AnD FrIeNdShIp…!!:thumb:[img][/img]:)[img][/img]:sun:[img][/img]:smile::heart:
SomebodyzME 13 years ago [img][/img] [img][/img]
maruf794 13 years ago [img][/img] [img][/img]
SomebodyzME 13 years ago [img][/img] [img][/img]
maruf794 13 years ago TrUe fRnDsHp iS LiKe a mUsIc, wE CaN'T SeE bT, We cAn fEeL & EnJoY ThE TrUe mElOdIeS Of cArE, YoU R OnE Of mY BeSt mUsIc fOrEvEr....:heart:[img][/img]:o[img][/img]:)[img][/img]:sun:[img][/img]:note:[img][/img]:thumb:TaKe CaRE...:heart::(