Love4friends 12 years ago :heart:
Mornings are refreshing like friendship, it may not stay all day long, but for sure it comes forever every day :heart: . Good Morning
Love4friends 12 years ago :heart: Instead of fighting and proving Urself to Ur lovable ones,its better to stay away,Till they realise that no one cares for them more than u!! :heart: , good morning
Love4friends 12 years ago :heart: Instead of fighting and proving Urself to Ur lovable ones,its better to stay away,Till they realise that no one cares for them more than u!! :heart: , good morning
leyloo1 12 years ago good night and sweat dreams :heart:
Zhail18 12 years ago True tearful quote- "Even my pillow understands me & makes itselfgood morning. . .hve a nice day:sun:
Zhail18 12 years ago True tearful quote- "Even my pillow understands me & makes itself
dry for next day to make me comfortable,but not the person who made me cry."...good morning. . .:sun:
Love4friends 12 years ago :heart: True tearful quote-
"Even my pillow understands me & makes itself dry for next day to make me comfortable,but not the person who made me cry."... :heart: