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333968 13 years ago
ไม่ได้กินนานแล้ว น่าอร่อยนะ :shy2:

333968 13 years ago
กินข้าวยัง พี่เพิ่งจะอาบน้ำเสร็จ :shy2:

333968 13 years ago
[img]http://dl8.glitter-graphics.net/pub/877/877058zw7qlt120l.gif[/img] :shy2: :shy2: :shy2:

maruf794 13 years ago
[color=#ffc602][size=18] 'UNCONDITIONAL LOVE…:)[/size][/color][color=#08e2f0][size=18] bF: hOw aRe yOu sWeThEaRt ♥ Gf: NoT GoOd bF:WhY? wHt hApNd? gF:I HaVe cOlD . . bF:WhT? hOw? gF:I HaD IcE CrEaM. . Bf:aRe yOu mAd? I ToLd yOu nT To eAt iCe cReAm iN ThIs rAiNy sEaSoN. . . . ArE YoU CrAzY ? ? LooK InTo mY EyEs wHt tHe heLL YoU ThInK YoU ArE? dNt yOu hAvE BrAiN? yOu aReNt a kId . . . . CnT YoU TaKe cArE YoUr SeLf ? StUpId. . . IdIoT . . . . gF: sMiLeD. . . . hUgGeD HiM AnD SaiD ''I LovE YoU'' bF:WhAtS HaPeNiNg hErE? wiLL YoU pLz TeLL mE . . gF: .I JuSt LoV wHeNeVeR U ScoLd Me tHaT'S WhY I AtE IcE CrEaM So dAt yOu wIlL ScOlD Me. . .♥ Bf: StUpId . . .IdIoT. . . .HuH. . .I LoVe u tOo ♥ ♥ ♥'[/size][/color] [color=#aa00aa][size=18] LovE Is nOt OnLy A SiMpLe 4 LetTeR WoRd tO TaLk... LoVe iS A BeLiEf oN SoMeOnE WiT WhOm wE CoNsIdEr aS We tHaN U N I OuR'S ThAn uR'S N MiNe... LoVe iS OnLy oNe fEeL 4rM TwO HeaRtS... LOvE Is pUrE LiKe a bAbY SmiLE, FaiR LikE A FuLL mOoN N MoRe LikE SkY. sO If u r LuvNg a pErSoN,LuV D PeRsOn tRueLy, CoMpLeTeLy wItHoUt eXpEcTiNg aNyThNg... tHaT Is uNcOnDiTiOnaL lOvE..:)[/size][/color] [color=#ffc602][size=18] In GoOd TimEs, In bAd TimEs i'LL Be oN YoUr SidE FoReVeR MoRe, ThAt's wHaT FrieNdS ArE FoR ♥ I HaVe nO WoRdS 2 ExpLaiN My fRiEnDsHiP... bEcAuSe i hAvE GoT AmAzInG PeRsOn WhO CaN UnDeRsTaNd eVeN My sLiEnCe...:thumb:' gOoD NiGhT...:note: :shy2:[img]http://off1.picsrc.net/images/ytibu/96c47b304a3237de015b231b14d0c041.jpg[/img]:shy2: :)[img]http://friends18.com/img/smile/0202.gif[/img]:) :shy2:[img]http://friends18.com/img/cute-pictures/0437.jpg[/img]:shy2: :)[img]http://friends18.com/img/heart/0352.jpg[/img]:) :heart:[img]http://friends18.com/img/take-care/0068.gif[/img]:heart: [/size][/color]

zizo202 13 years ago
More Flowers Presentation CommentsMore Flowers Presentation CommentsMore Flowers Presentation CommentsMore Flowers Presentation Comments [img]http://img1.funscrape.com/en/arabicdailysceaps/60.gif[/img]

333968 13 years ago
[img]http://upic.me/i/n4/325538347.jpg[/img] [img]http://upic.me/i/ct/2448628ftb0t19rsp.gif[/img] [img]http://upic.me/i/2c/2112951g4wdjxy7bg.gif[/img] [size=18][b]THANK YOU & TAKE CARE [img]http://upic.me/i/2c/2112951g4wdjxy7bg.gif[/img] :shy2:

333968 13 years ago
ก็พี่เพิ่งเห็น ว่าส้มไปคอมเม็นทร์ รูปพี่งัย :shy2: :shy2:

333968 13 years ago
สบายดีนะส้ม :shy2:

Pammymehra 13 years ago
Good morning dear have a nice day. have u id on facebook please tell me

maruf794 13 years ago
[color=#08e2f0][size=18] ''SwEeTnEsS CaN Be dEfInEd wItHoUt hOnEy, FrAgNaNcE CaN Be dEfInEd wItHoUt rOsE, bEaUtY CaN Be dEfInEd wItHoUt sMiLe bUt mY LiFe cAnNoT Be dEfInEd wItHoUt YoU...:smile: [color=#cccc00][size=18] bUtErfLieS DoNt kNoW Of wHaT CoLoUrS ThEiR WiNgS, bUt hUmAn eYeS KnOw hOw pReTtY ThEy aRe! sAmE WaY, yOu dOn't kNoW HoW SwEeT YoU ArE BuT I KnOw hOw sPeCiAl yOu aRe...'':shy2: [color=#aa00aa][size=18] I LoVe iT WhEn i sTaY aLonE, OnLy aLonE, dOiNg nOtHiNg, SiLeNtLy, OnLy tHiNk aBoUt yOu...♥ fEeLiNg yOuR AbSeNcE FrOm tHe cOrE Of mY HeArT..♥~♥ StEaDy TeDDy NiGhT FriEnD:note::thumb: [img]http://lh4.ggpht.com/_6xS3p3JQjEE/TG6ZUFVhQtI/AAAAAAAAAG0/Goig6eetX-Y/27154.gif[/img]:) [img]http://glitter.kapook.com/files/glitter/photo/original/8/10920.gif[/img]:thumb: [img]http://img1.imagehousing.com/1/6e2f70109d99673f48ee7a57cc85307f.jpg[/img]:note: [img]http://img1.123friendster.com/en/love/99.gif[/img]:heart: [/size][/color]

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