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xdiclex 12 years ago
:heart: :sun: :note: :heart:

elgamelaa 12 years ago
[size=18]elgamelaa[/size] :$

xdiclex 12 years ago
:heart: :sun: :note:

ElizaZarkau 12 years ago
[img]http://cs5461.userapi.com/u17389877/154334308/x_39219327.jpg[/img] [img]http://cs5461.userapi.com/u17389877/154334308/x_0494eef0.jpg[/img] [img]http://cs5461.userapi.com/u17389877/154334308/x_f97a1657.jpg[/img] [img]http://cs5461.userapi.com/u17389877/154334308/x_45e7403e.jpg[/img] [img]http://cs5461.userapi.com/u17389877/154334308/x_07d91e0a.jpg[/img] [img]http://cs5461.userapi.com/u17389877/154334308/x_3ca47101.jpg[/img] :heart:Store love in the heart. Life without it is similar to a garden without the sun with dead flowers. :heart:

ElizaZarkau 12 years ago
[img]http://cs5461.userapi.com/u17389877/154334308/x_4e5d87cf.jpg[/img] [img]http://cs5461.userapi.com/u17389877/154334308/x_121f269e.jpg[/img] [img]http://cs5461.userapi.com/u17389877/154334308/x_373bfb64.jpg[/img] [img]http://cs5461.userapi.com/u17389877/154334308/x_5bc068db.jpg[/img] [img]http://cs5461.userapi.com/u17389877/154334308/x_4d25cd31.jpg[/img] [img]http://cs5461.userapi.com/u17389877/154334308/x_232069a4.jpg[/img] :heart: Yesterday is a history, tomorrow's - a riddle, it is necessary therefore to live present!:heart:

xdiclex 12 years ago
:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

ElizaZarkau 12 years ago
[img]http://cs9640.userapi.com/u17389877/154334308/x_59365373.jpg[/img] [img]http://cs9640.userapi.com/u17389877/154334308/x_d136ddb0.jpg[/img] [img]http://cs9640.userapi.com/u17389877/154334308/x_5db53de8.jpg[/img] [img]http://cs9640.userapi.com/u17389877/154334308/x_d15d61a4.jpg[/img] [img]http://cs9640.userapi.com/u17389877/154334308/x_a7c5cd46.jpg[/img] [img]http://cs9640.userapi.com/u17389877/154334308/x_41a71fe7.jpg[/img] Gold words: Why people consider, what have the right to destroy another's lives? Leaving, offending, without calling, wasting words … you that, Gods to decide to suffer to whom and whom to live happily? If has told I "Love" if you please to love to the last gasp. If has told I "Promise", break in a flat cake, but constrain the promise. If has said I "will not release", make everything to remain. Otherwise, what sense to live, if each your word is equivalent to zero and has no value?

flowerlife2 12 years ago

ElizaZarkau 12 years ago

ElizaZarkau 12 years ago
[img]http://cs9640.userapi.com/u17389877/154334308/x_8df6b991.jpg[/img] [img]http://cs9640.userapi.com/u17389877/154334308/x_14c82294.jpg[/img] [img]http://cs9640.userapi.com/u17389877/154334308/x_4db902e1.jpg[/img] [img]http://cs9640.userapi.com/u17389877/154334308/x_d3efe0bf.jpg[/img] [img]http://cs9640.userapi.com/u17389877/154334308/x_1866c82d.jpg[/img] [img]http://cs9640.userapi.com/u17389877/154334308/x_32eb1c84.jpg[/img] … It is necessary to trust lives. It is necessary without fear to entrust to its current because life infinitely is wiser than us! It all the same will manage with you in own way, sometimes rigidly enough, but finally you will understand that it was right.

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