evawawa18 7 years ago [i][size=14][color=#ef9898]Don't speak
you can improve
the silence.:p
Have a great day ahead!
Take care and keep smiling:shy2:[/color] [/size]
sweetflower2017 7 years ago
missing u much
:heart: :heart: :heart:
AymanAlrawy 7 years ago
happy friday my friends
:heart: :shy2:
hawk63 7 years ago [size=24][color=#2746ff]
في عينيك يغرد الصباح
أعرفك وادعي بأنني أحبك
وردتي زرعتها عندك
ليلتي سهرتها عندك
عيوني سافرت
لملمت لؤلؤة تفرط من عقود الذكرى[/color][/size]
evawawa18 7 years ago
Sometimes the people
we've known for a short amount
of time have
the biggest impact
on our lives,
even more than those
we've known forever. Sharing~
AymanAlrawy 7 years ago
:shy2: :thumb:
sweetflower2017 7 years ago
:heart: :heart: :sun: :heart: :heart: