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priya78 11 years ago
matt:hee: wher wer u boy:o itz been too long:P

mike4uu 11 years ago
no george bushs wife is half mexican and she killd someone:hee::p

mike4uu 11 years ago
hola cray nig:hee:

priya78 11 years ago
~:heart:~Take chances. Tell the truth. Date someone totally wrong for you. Say no. Spend all your cash! Fall in love.Get to know someone random. Be random. Say I love you. Sing out loud. Laugh at a stupid joke. Cry. Get revenge. Apologize. Tell someone how much they mean to you. Let someone know what they're missing. Laugh til your stomach hurts. LIVE LIFE!~:heart:~ gud mwnin frm india:p wher r u mr.matt:o:p

zizo202 11 years ago
:shy: :heart: [size=24]hello frnd[/size] :heart: :shy: :heart:

KSylwiaK 11 years ago
my names keiko^^

priya78 12 years ago
:heart::heart:They say as long as at least one person cares for you, life isn’t a waste.So when things go terribly wrong,and u feel like giving up, please remember u still got me.:heart::heart: ~:sun:gud:heart:mrng:sun:~ frm india again:rofl:

priya78 12 years ago
:shy2:We love ourself even after making so many mistakes. Then how can we hate others 4 their small mistakes?Strange but true! So make habit of FORGIVING.:shy2: ~gud:heart:mwnin~ frm india:hee:

priya78 12 years ago
mis u matt:shy2::p

priya78 12 years ago
:heart:Ur sky is as much as u’d want to reach:heart: :heart:ur life is as lonely as u’d like to make:heart: :heart:Ur joy is as much as u decide to feel:heart: :heart:ur nite is as long as you decide to wake.:heart: :heart:No one sets the limit for u,no one can etch the span of the sky:heart: :shy2:all u need to do is rise, spread ur wings & decide to fly.:shy2: ~gud mwnin~

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