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allen1980 13 years ago
h! Daisy tnx 4 accepting me as ur frend.

daqx 13 years ago
[color=#0000aa][i][b][size=14] [img]http://img51.imageshack.us/img51/4236/coloredflowers.jpg[/img] Have you ever wondered, how bees take nectar and make it into honey, How trees are made into paper, and paper into money.[/color] [color=#00aa00]How we can feel, but can't see a breeze. How the sun is so far away, yet we feel the heat,[/color][color=#c20000] How a little bird knows how to fly when it leaves the nest, How dreams are allowed in our minds to creep.[/color] [color=#aa00aa]How our emotions are stirred and we can cry, How we suddenly become happy and the tears are dried.[/color] [color=#00aaaa]How we seem to be 'oh so fine,' ...and instantly we can be half out of our mind. How one day you have a friend, and one day you don't..[/color] [color=#d09537]How sometimes people help you, and sometimes they won't. How by hands of a clock moving, time goes by. How peace is said to come from within. [/color] [color=#0000aa]If you have ever wondered and asked why, The answer lies alone with the Maker in the sky. Just wondering....Have you ever wondered?[/size] [/b] [/i] [/color] " " " :heart: " " God bless " :) " Take care :heart:

daqx 13 years ago
[img]http://img829.imageshack.us/img829/7282/84550814.jpg[/img] [b][size=14]Across the miles You touched my life, Opened my eyes, and Filled my empty heart- Strangers, yet one, Our spirits reach out, Always touching, never apart- - You in the east, Me in the west, Never together, Never apart- -[/size] [/b] :) God bless! *keep smiling* " " " :heart: " " Take care

daqx 13 years ago
" " [b][size=14][color=#0000aa]Wishing you always...[/color] [/size][size=24] [color=#c20000]Walls for the wind,[/color] [/size] [size=14][color=#aa00aa]A roof for the rain[/color][/size][size=24][color=#00aa00] And tea beside the fire.[/color] [/size] [size=14][color=#00aaaa]Laughter to cheer you,[/color][/size] [size=24][color=#08e2f0] Those you love near you,[/color] [/size] [size=14][color=#ef9898] And all that your heart may desire...[/color] [/size][/b] " " " :heart: " " [color=#00aaaa][i]~God bless~[/i] [/color] " " Take care :)

argelix 13 years ago
Image Hosting Quotes and Sayings Google Homepages

daqx 13 years ago
[b][size=14] [color=#c20000] [img]http://img193.imageshack.us/img193/7724/editeh0543davosandstars.jpg[/img] Each of us represents a star in Heaven. Sometimes we shine with the rest, Sometimes we twinkle alone And sometimes, when we least expect it, ......we make someone else's dreams come true.[/color] [/size] [/b] " " " :heart: " " [color=#0000aa]God bless ' ' Good day! " " :) Take care[/color] [/color]

daqx 13 years ago
[color=#0000aa][b][size=14] [img]http://img405.imageshack.us/img405/4397/messagehq.jpg[/img] Hold fast to dreams For if dreams die Life is a broken-winged bird That cannot fly. Hold fast to dreams For when dreams go Life is a barren field Frozen with snow. [/size] [/b] [/color] " " :heart: " " keep believing " " God bless " :) " take care

argelix 13 years ago
Image Hosting Quotes and Sayings Google Homepages

daqx 13 years ago
[b][size=14][color=#0000aa] [img]http://i769.photobucket.com/albums/xx333/anodz/get-3-2010-yzweb6by.gif[/img] Living in the same big blue sky yet walking in different road line..[/color] [color=#00aa00]Looking above the same stars at night yet standing in different direction of its light.[/color] [color=#c20000]I may not see how wide your horizon is , I can ask God to stay its beauty for you to always see..[/color] [color=#00aaaa]I may not know how big your dream is, I can ask God to grant it soon for you to be happy..[/color] [color=#aa00aa] I may not hear you cry when you are in pain, I can ask God to keep you strong and wipe your tears away..[/color] [color=#d09537]I may not feel when you're scared, I can ask God to drive your fears away..[/color] [color=#ef9898]Even I'm not there and see you, I can ask God to be with you always instead..[/color] [color=#0000aa]To be with you in my prayers.... Is a promise to stay...[/color] [/size] [/b] :shy2: [color=#aa00aa]-donna-[/color] " :heart: " " [color=#00aaaa]Take care[/color]

argelix 13 years ago
Image Hosting Quotes and Sayings Google Homepages

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