wanlapha 11 years ago [size=24]
...Good Morning...
...Have a Relaxing Weekend...
hawk63 11 years ago
قال لها تعالي أيتها العاشقه
وتوسدي أحضان قلبي ولتسمعي
أنغام عشقي وتصبح أضلعي أوتارا..
قالت له: انا وأنت روحين في داخل
إنسان انت يسار القلب وانا يمينه !!
:heart: :heart:
danelfiriel 11 years ago Always drive carefully because accidents may happen...
Always be careful when you are on the street
because accidents may happen even if they are not caused by you...
Somebody left a couple of days ago...
He was just 25...
It wasn't his fault but he is gone now....
and nothing can bring him back....
A candle for his memory...
wanlapha 11 years ago [size=24]
...Good Morning...
...Have a Blessing Day...
prit07 11 years ago [b] [size=14] [color=#bbbbbb]
[img] http://im32.gulfup.com/hCSO4.jpg [/img]
Wish you Have a beautiful day
Thank a lots for visiting & posting on my guestbook.
Take good care of yourself:)
:shy2: :heart: [/color] [/size] [/b]
vish4udear 11 years ago [size=18]
Take Care
~ :heart: ~VISH4U~ :heart: ~[/size]
hawk63 11 years ago
يكون الحب صدفه:heart: ولكن الفراق اختيار ..
wanlapha 11 years ago [size=24]
...Good Morning...
...Have a Sweet Day...
wanlapha 11 years ago [size=24]
...Good Noon...
...Have a Beautiful Day...