Rozalyne2010 13 years ago
[size=24][i]Have A Great Day[/i][/size]
[img] [/img]
Senorida 13 years ago same wid u... n wat u fuin now? :shy2: :heart:
Senorida 13 years ago [color=#f0a2eb][b][size=24]hi... gud mornin. hw r yo? tc n hv a nice day... :shy2: :heart: [/size] [/b] [/color]
Sakura303 13 years ago [img][/img][size=24]:sun:.wonderful...wednesday...for...u.:sun:[/size][img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img][img][/img] [img][/img][img][/img] [color=#c20000]:sun:tk cre:sun:[/color] :heart: :heart: :heart:
DEVENDER09 13 years ago When u win, I'll proudly tell d world, 'HEY! Thats my frnd'. Bt wen u lose, i will sit by your side, hold your hand nd say,'HEY! I'm ur frnd'.--frnd$ f¤rever:hee: keep smiling:D:sun:
bebodreamworld2 13 years ago [b]Bebodreamworld2 Present...... Ownskin Icon Of The Week...... If u want to become Ownskin Icon u can REGISTER ur Name... U Just Have To Write Ur Name Id and City Name On bebodreamworld2 Guestbook...REGISTRING Lines are Open till Wednesday midnight So Hurry!!![b]
maruf794 13 years ago :note: 'Hi! How's yOu? ThE FiRst quEstiOn I aSkEd yOu.. I dOn’T kNoW yOu.. BuT hErE I am tAlkiNg to yOu... I kEEp thROWiNg qUEStiOn.. tRyiNg tO gEt to knOw yOu.. And yOu anSwErEd bACk.. sEEMs likE,YoU likE tO gEt tO kNoW mE tOo... DAy by dAy oUr cOnvErsAtiOn sTaRtiNg to grEw.. AnD aLL thiS sTaRteD oN a siMplE quEstiOn.. hi! how's yOu? DayS pAsT by aNd I rEaLizEd I’m nOt tAlkiNg tO a strAngEr no morE... I’m tAlkiNg to a peRsoN thAt i caLL a 'tRuE FRIEND'!...i'm tHaNkfuL to yOu foR uR hiGHLy tUNEs fRiEnDsHip.: :sun: sHiNiNg daY tO yOu mY friENd :sun: :heart: :note:
simplysaherkhan 13 years ago [b][i][size=24][color=#2746ff][img][/img]
The people who think
they are happy should rummage
through their dreams!!!!!!!!
DEVENDER09 13 years ago [color=#b1acef]Everydy,
I may nt be wid u..!!
My thinking,
My care,
My msgs,
My prayers
My best wishes r alwys wid u..take care.have a cool monday[/size] [/b] [/color]:sun::hee: