daqx 13 years ago [i][b][size=18] "hear, and forget.. see, and remember... do,and understand..."[/size] [/b][/i]
[i] [b][size=14] Never give up the right to be wrong, because then we will lose the ability to learn new things and move forward with our lives. Remember that fear always lurks behind perfectionism.[/size][/b] [/i]
[i][b]have a good day and be blessed![/b] [/i]
Take care
daqx 13 years ago [color=#0000aa][b]
Never should our love be just a word[/color]
[color=#00aa00]A passing phrase, a brief emotion[/color]
[color=#c20000]It should be an attitude, a prayer[/color]
[color=#aa00aa]Love is good will for the gain of another[/color]
[color=#00aaaa]It always gives unconditionally..[/color]
[color=#b1acef]And never runs out of patience..[/size] [/b] [/color]
God bless
Take care
daqx 13 years ago [b][size=14]
[color=#c20000]The sun that hardens clay to brick
Can soften wax to shape and mold
So too life's trials will harden some
While others purify gold
So everytime life presses us too hard,
the weaker we feel, the harder we have to lean on God [/size] [/b]
Just a thought
God bless
do always smile as you mean it :)
Take care
:heart: [/color]
allen1980 13 years ago gudnyte din daisy swEEtdReams.
allen1980 13 years ago gudnyte din daisy swEEtdReams.
allen1980 13 years ago gudnyte din daisy swEEtdReams.
allen1980 13 years ago gudnyte din daisy swEEtdReams.
allen1980 13 years ago same to u daisy take care...=)
daqx 13 years ago [b][size=14]Take time to smile when we're sad,
To rest when we’re tired,
To love if we’re feeling empty,
And to "LET GO" if we need to.
Time endures;
Time heals,
In this life.
Take time for ourselves..
Let be God our strength
God bless
Take care
argelix 13 years ago Image Hosting Quotes and Sayings Google Homepages