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anakadam38 12 years ago
sepiiíiíiíiíiíiíiíiíiíií :,(

Shoaibie 12 years ago
what,s g0ing 0n in ma frnd??:o

Shoaibie 12 years ago
u want to g0 0fline??:o

Shoaibie 12 years ago
hy frnd h w r u??:o

jaseera69 12 years ago
you com my Hous me manavatti i love you

anakadam38 12 years ago
bangun2 sahur2rrrrrrrrrr :D

Shoaibie 12 years ago
Successful People dont plan Results,:):) They Plan only Begining Becoz Right Results:hee::hee: are followed by Right Beginning:thumb: Gud m0wning:sun::sun: Have a gr8 day:heart::heart::heart:

xnirx 12 years ago
[b][color=#c20000][size=18] ╔══╗─╔╗ ╚╗╔╩╗║╠╦═╗╔═╦═╗╔╦╦═╗ ─║║╬╚╣═╣╩╣║═╣╬╚╣╔╣╩╣ ─╚╩══╩╩╩═╝╚═╩══╩╝╚═╝ [/b][/size][/color][color=#08e2f0][size=18] Silence may mean we are breaking down or could be mean we need some time alone Silence may mean we are happy and fine or could be mean no words to describe the feeling at all Silence may mean we're saying something can never express in words or could be simply wanting to keep it just inside.. Silence speaks Silence screams Silence talks louder than any word We all need sometimes to be silent to know who we really are, What we really want Where we really wanna go.. " " May each heart always speak with hope, love and trust even in deep silence.. " " :sun: :heart:HAVE A BLESSED MORNING TO YOU:heart: :sun: [b][color=#c20000][size=18] ╔══╗─╔╗ ╚╗╔╩╗║╠╦═╗╔═╦═╗╔╦╦═╗ ─║║╬╚╣═╣╩╣║═╣╬╚╣╔╣╩╣ ─╚╩══╩╩╩═╝╚═╩══╩╝╚═╝ [/b][/size][/color]

anakadam38 12 years ago
sahur dulu :D:heart:

anakadam38 12 years ago

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Popping Pink

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