azaz918 13 years ago s0rry 4 late,n0thing juzz wandering around,u?:o
azaz918 13 years ago s0rry 4 late,n0thing juzz wandering around,u?:o
maruf794 13 years ago [color=#00aa00][size=18]
A NeW YeAr
A nEw cHaLlEnGe
A nEw gOaL
A NeW OpTiMiSm
A nEw aPrOaCh
A nEw mIsSiOn
A nEw rEsOlUtIoN:thumb:
yOu kNoW GoD WiLl aRrAnGe fOr yOu..
12 mOnThS Of lOvE,
52 wEeKs nOn sToP FuN,
& 365 DaYs oF HaPpInEsS.
So wHeN YoU MiXeD ThEm aLl..
YoU WiLl bE FoUnD A VeRy hApPy yEaR!...
WiShNg u a AdVaNcE vErY "hApPy nEw yEaR":thumb:
Bayu1177 13 years ago U'r fine now???...n marry chirstmas bst frnd
maruf794 13 years ago [color=#08e2f0][size=18]
''A ReLaTiOnShIp iS NoT HoLdInG HaNdS
WhIlE YoU UnDeRsTaNd eAcH OtHeR,
It’s aBoUt hAvInG LoTs oF MiSuNdErStAnDiNgS &
StIlL NoT LeAvInG EaCh oThEr’s hAnDs...:) ♥
[/size][/color] [color=#aa00aa][size=18]
EvErY StRuGgLe iN YoUr LifE HaS ShApEd yOu
IntO ThE PeRsOn yOu aRe tOdAy:thumb:
Be tHaNkFuL FoR ThE HaRd tImEs...
ThEy cAn oNlY MaKe yOu sTrOnGeR...:thumb: ♥
HOpEfuL nIgHt...pEaCeFuL TiMe...:note: