maruf794 13 years ago [color=#00aa00] *tHe hEaRt iS LiKe a fLoWeR…
UnLeSs iT Is oPeN It cAnNoT ReLeAsE ItS FrAgRaNcE InTo tHe wOrLd.:note:
tHe fRaGrAnCe oF ThE HeArT Is mAdE Up oF ThE QuALiTieS AnD
ViRtUeS Of oUr sPiRiT.
MoSt oF Us hAvE LeArNeD HoW To kEeP OuR HeArT CLosEd
iN A WoRLd ThAt WouLD TrAmpLE aLL OvEr uS If wE LeT It.
bEiNg oPeN HeArTeD ToDaY SeEmS To rEqUiRe tReMeNdOuS CoUrAgE.
It iS A CoUrAgE WhIcH CoMeS OnLy
wHeN We rEaLiZe tHaT No oNe cAn hUrT Us,
nO MaTtEr wHaT ThEy sAy oR Do.
tHeY MaY HuRt oUr bOdY,
bUt iF We hAvE ReAiLzEd wE ArE SpIrIt,
nOtHiNg oUtSiDe cAn tOuCh uS, iF We sO DeCiDe.
LiTtLe bY LiTtLe, pRaCtIcE OpEnInG YoUr hEaRt tO ThOsE...
YoU ThInK HaVe hUrT YoU.
ReALizE It wAsN’T ThEm tHaT HuRt yOu,
It wAs yOuRseLF.
AnD It tAuGhT YoU NoT To tRuSt aNd yOu cLoSeD YoUr hEaRt.
a cLoSeD HeArT Is iN NeEd oF OpEnInG.
aNd wHeN YoU Do,yOu wIlL HaVe bEgUn tO HeAl yOuRseLF.*:thumb:[/size][/color]
[b][color=#c20000] PeOpLe wiLL ALwaYs tHrOw sToNeS In oUr pAtH …. !!
iT DePeNdS On uS …. !!
wHaT Do wE MaKe fRoM It :[/size][/color][/b]
[color=#08e2f0] 'A WaLL oF DiFfIcuLtIEs Or A WaLL oF SuCcEsS ':thumb:
GooD EvEniNG:)
maruf794 13 years ago [color=#00aa00]
If u r sInGLE, pEoPLE AsK AbOuT Ur fUtUrE PLAnS:)
WhEn u hAvE A FiAnCe, ThEy aSk fOr wEdDiNg.:P
wHeN U GeT MaRrIeD, tHeY AsK FoR ChiLDrEn.:hee:
oNcE U HaVe oNe, ThEy aSk 4 aNoThEr.:o
iF U GeT DiVoRcEd, ThEy aSk y.:p:hot:
iF U TrY 2 StArT Ur LifE AgAiN,ThEy aSk y sO QuickLy.:O
PeOpLe nEvEr LikE WhAt u dO.:p:hee:
If u r pRoUd oF WhO U R
aNd DoN’T CaRe aBoUt wHt pEopLe ThInK...
It’s yOuR LiFe aNd YoU ShOuLd
LivE It tHe wAy yOu wAnT To… ![/size][/color][/b]
ItS Ur nIgHt...mAkE Ur oWn dReAmS...:dance:
qadirhusainkhan 13 years ago [img][/img]
good evening my friend
i'm back again here
:shy2: :shy2: :shy2:
:shy2: :shy2: :shy2:
thaks my dear
maruf794 13 years ago [color=#cccc00]
[size=18]**LoVe iS NoT To sAy, bUt tO UnDeRsTaNd…:heart:
LOvE Is nOt tO ShOw, bUt tO FeeL iNsIdE…:heart:
LOvE Is nOt tO FiNd fAuLtS, BuT To mAkE ThE BeSt…:heart:
LoVe iS NoT To dEmAnD, BuT To sAcRiFiCe…:heart:
LoVe iS NoT To hUrT, BuT To tAkE CaRe oF…:heart:
LOvE Is nOt bLiNd, bUt iT DoEsN’T NeEd tO SeE….:heart:**
LoVeLy NiGhT dEaR FrIeNd...hEaRtLy sAy yOu *SwEEt DrEaMs*:heart:
KeeP SmiLinG:dance2::adore:[/size][/color]
maruf794 13 years ago [color=#ffc602][size=18]EvErYdaY, i wAiT FoR A TeXt… EvErYdaY I SeE YoU I WaIt fOr a hElLo… EvErYdaY I ChEcK My AccOunT To sEe iF YoU WrOtE On mY WaLL… EvErYdaY I TeLL mYseLF hOw mUcH YoU VaLuAbLe tO Me… EvErYdaY I FiNd mYseLF LeT DoWn… bUt eVeRyDaY I StiLL FiNd hOpE..!:adore:[img][/img]:)[img][/img]:hee:[img][/img]:shy2:[img][/img]:note:[img][/img]:heart:[/size][/color]
qadirhusainkhan 13 years ago [b][i][size=18][color=#705b31]
"Everyone has a BEST FRIEND
during each stage of life,
But Only lucky ones have
the same friend in
all stages of life"....!!!!
☺☺ ☺☺ ☺☺
:P :P
maruf794 13 years ago [b][color=#c20000]*DEFINITION OF NOTHING:[/size][/color][/b][color=#00aa00]TiMe dOeSn’t wAiT..... DaYs pAsS AnD YeArS ChAnGe,, yOu mOvE AwAy fRoM YoUr dEaR OnEs,, yOu mIsS YoUr lOvEd oNeS,, YoUr LifE ChAnGeS, fRiEnDs cHaNgE,, PeOpLe cHaNgE, bUt yOuR HeArT HaS ThOsE PrEcIoUs mOmEnTs eNgRaVeD In iT. wHeThEr yOu LikE It oR NoT, tHeY ArE ALwaYs tHeRe mAkInG YoU HaPpY At sAd tImEs aNd sAd aT HaPpY TiMeS. yOu tHiNk aBoUt tHoSe dAyS AnD ThEn sMiLe. AnD WhEn sOmEoNe aSkS ThE ReAsOn fOr yOuR SmiLE, yOu sAy – nOtHiNg,,,* aH.. SoMeTiMeS ~nOtHiNg~iS EvErYtHiNg...mIsSsSsS UuU 4 ~nOtHiNg~...:(:o[img][/img]:)[img][/img]:([img][/img]:note:[img][/img]:heart:[/size][/color]
maruf794 13 years ago :shy2:[img][/img]:note:[img][/img]:heart:i`m not good pissi:shh: how1s uuuuu:o
qadirhusainkhan 13 years ago i'm good my dear frd
wt about u i was missing u
maruf794 13 years ago [color=#00aa00]♥ We sMiLe aT WhOm wE LiKe… ♥ wE CrY FoR WhOm wE CaRe… ♥ wE LaUgH WiTh wHoM We eNjOy… ♥ aNd wE GeT AnGrY WiTh wHoM We fEeL Is oUr oWn. ♥ tHaTs tHe sEcReT Of a rElAtIoNsHiP..! pEoPlE SaY ThAt “No sOrRy aNd nO ThAnKs iN FrIeNdShIp oR In a rElAtIoNsHiP..bUt rEaLiTy iS ThEsE 2 WoRdS AcTuAlLy sAvE ThE ReLaTiOnS..!:spin::p [img][/img]:)[img][/img]:note:[img][/img]:shy2:[img][/img]MooN LigHT NigHT To YoU:heart: [/size][/color]