naba21O 12 years ago
[color=#c20000][i][size=14]True friends are like mornings,
u cant have them the whole day,
but u can be sure,
they will be there
when u wakeup tomorrow,
next year and forever.[/size][/i][/color]
[color=#aa00aa][i][size=18]"Friends are the siblings
God forgot to give us."[/color] [/size][/i]
[color=#00aaaa][i][size=14]As long as we have memories,
yesterday remains;
as long as we have hope,
tomorrow awaits.
As long as we have Friendship,
each day is never a waste.[/color] [/size][/i]
[color=#00aa00][i][size=18]"Friendship is like a violin;
the music may stop now and then,
but the strings will last forever."[/size][/i][/color]
[size=24]Frnz Froever[/size]
naba21O 12 years ago
[img][/img] [img][/img]
[color=#aa00aa][i][size=18]When time comes for u
to give ur heart to someone,
make sure that u select someone
who will never break ur heart,
cuz broken hearts has no spare parts[/size][/i][/color]
:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
naba21O 12 years ago Good nyt swt drmzzzz Abhishek:)
SimplyCool 12 years ago Angel PicturesScraps & GraphicsAngel ScrapsMore Graphics & QuotesAngel ScrapsMore Graphics & QuotesAngel ScrapsMore Graphics & Quotes
naba21O 12 years ago
[i][size=14]If you cant fly,
Run! :P
If you can,t run,
Walk! :P
If you cant walk,
Crawl! :P
But keep moving towards your Goal. :P
Thats true life![/size][/i] :thumb:
[i][size=14]Life is vehicle,
which is driven with the help of wheels
the journey is impossible without fuel
naba21O 12 years ago damon salvatore:love: :love: :love: My Fav :$
naba21O 12 years ago
[i][size=18]GoOd nIghT[/size][/i]
[i][size=18]CoLouRFuLl dReAmzZZz[/size][/i]
naba21O 12 years ago
~[size=24]N A B A[/size]~
zizo202 12 years ago
[size=24][b]zizo[/b] [/size]