daisy089 10 years ago [img]https://scontent-a-ams.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/t1.0-9/10014692_757045230981406_7186537799145098414_n.jpg[/img]:) :heart:
KismatB 10 years ago
:heart: :sun: :heart:
[size=18]Every beautiful is not always good,
But every good is always beautiful,
Being important is not always good,
But being good is always important.
have a success day
take care [/size]
:heart: :sun: :heart:
:heart: :sun: :heart:
KismatB 10 years ago
:heart: :sun: :heart:
[size=18]Don not go for looks,
they can deceive.
Don not go for wealth,
even that fades away.
Go for someone who makes you smile
b'coz only a smile makes a dark day seem bright.[/size]
:heart: :sun: :heart:
:heart: :sun: :heart:
KismatB 10 years ago
:heart: :sun: :heart:
[size=18]Don’t Define Ur Failure By Looking
At Some Body’s Success
Don’t Define Ur Success By Looking
At Some Body’s Failure,
Set Ur Own Targets Every Day to Break..[/size]
:heart: :sun: :heart:
:heart: :sun: :heart:
KismatB 11 years ago
:heart: :sun: :heart:
[size=18]There r few things That must be done,
Before one says Goodbye,
One’s Eyes must forget another face,
One’s Ears must forget another voice,
One’s Mind must forget another name.
One’s Heart must forget that
he/she had loved that person
more than his/her own life
Goodnight friend
have a nice night
Take care[/size]
:heart: :sun: :heart:
:sun: :sun: :sun:
KismatB 11 years ago
:heart: :sun: :heart:
[size=18]Rain of summer, snow of winter,
grace of autumn, glory of spring,
May beauty of every season
give ur heart a beautiful reason 2 smile.
May Allah succeed u in every exams of ur life.
Good luck & all the best
Goodnight friend
Take care [/size]
:heart: :sun: :heart:
:sun: :sun: :sun:
KismatB 11 years ago
:heart: :sun: :heart:
[size=18]Life has no rewinds n forwards.
It unfolds itself at its own pace.
So never miss a chance to live today
to make a beautiful story for tomorrow.
Have a Nice week friend.
Take care .
Allah bless you[/size]
:heart: :sun: :heart:
:sun: :sun: :sun:
KismatB 11 years ago
:heart: :sun: :heart:
[size=18]Take time to look- it is price of success
Take time to think- it is a source of power
Take time to read- it is a source of wisdom
Take time to be friendly- it is a way of happiness
Have a Happy day friend
Take care[/size]
:heart: :sun: :heart:
:heart: :sun: :heart: