Abu1331ubaidah 13 years ago [img]http://data.whicdn.com/images/18259244/light_and_soft_by_tatsuya-d4h4ebz_large.jpg[/img]
maruf794 13 years ago [color=#00aa00]
If u r sInGLE, pEoPLE AsK AbOuT Ur fUtUrE PLAnS:)
WhEn u hAvE A FiAnCe, ThEy aSk fOr wEdDiNg.:P
wHeN U GeT MaRrIeD, tHeY AsK FoR ChiLDrEn.:hee:
oNcE U HaVe oNe, ThEy aSk 4 aNoThEr.:o
iF U GeT DiVoRcEd, ThEy aSk y.:p:hot:
iF U TrY 2 StArT Ur LifE AgAiN,ThEy aSk y sO QuickLy.:o
PeOpLe nEvEr LikE WhAt u dO.:p:hee:
If u r pRoUd oF WhO U R
aNd DoN’T CaRe aBoUt wHt pEopLe ThInK...
It’s yOuR LiFe aNd YoU ShOuLd
LivE It tHe wAy yOu wAnT To… ![/size][/color][/b]
ItS Ur nIgHt...mAkE Ur oWn dReAmS...:dance:
angelospeg 13 years ago [img]http://dl8.glitter-graphics.net/pub/275/275888kfx8xw1eon.jpg[/img]