pravin143s 11 years ago You never see me, but I always see you.
You're in my mind, my thoughts, and all my dreams too.
You think you're imperfect in every single way,
that there's no reason that you should stay.
There is a reason, a simple one really,
just open your eyes so you can see clearly.
The sky, the mountains, the air we breathe,
why in the world would you want to leave?
You give hopefulness to a heart that’s filled with despair,
you help free the souls that would never care.
You can't go, you just have to stay,
because if you left, it'd hurt too much to say.
pravin143s 11 years ago There's lots of things
With which I'm blessed,
My problems have been few,
But of all, this one's the best:
To have a friend like you.
In times of trouble
Friends will say,
"Just ask, I'll help you through it."
But you don't wait for me to ask,
You just get up and do it!
And I can think
of nothing more
That I could wisely do,
Than know a friend,
And be a friend,
And have a friend like you.
pravin143s 11 years ago Dear Friend,
When I ask you a flower,
You give me a bouquet.
When I ask you a stone,
You give me a statue.
When I ask you a feather,
You give me a peacock.
My friend told me: Are you really deaf?
And I answered : Of course, I am deaf when my friend needs my eyes for herself. :-)
pravin143s 11 years ago SWEETHEART, is a special word for LOVE,
LOVE, is special word for CARE,
CARE, is special word for FRIEND,
FRIEND, is special word for... 'YOU
pravin143s 11 years ago A shining ANGEL stands beside your silky bed,
Calling ur nice Name so softly,
Throwing flowers on U
And sayingGood Night & Sweet Dreams.
pravin143s 11 years ago A Morning is a Wonderful Blessing,
Either Cloudy or Sunny.
It stands for Hope,
giving us another start of what we call Life.
Have a Good Morning & Day!
pravin143s 11 years ago Friendship is seldom found on earth—
At least we've heard it said—
For, when enjoying pleasant mirth,
We seldom need its aid.
Is Friendship, then, an empty dream—
A phantom in disguise—
A vision only to be seen
By those of double eyes?
Or is it really felt or found
By those in deep distress—
Like rain upon the parched ground,
Or barren wilderness?
Ye who have felt the bitter pang
Of unrelenting grief,
Tell me, when Friendship never sprang
To offer you relief?
When, like the solitary dove
In woodbine, all alone,
Your pensive notes of absent love
Have caus'd your heart to moan,—
Has not the hand of some kind friend
Assuaged your troubl'd breast?
Has no one offered to defend,
Or aid you when distress'd?
Is Friendship only felt at best
Where plenty reigns supreme;
And seldom to be found the guest
Of poverty unseen?
Oh, no! disint'rested friendship can,
And has been found, we know—
A purer, sweeter friendship than
This earth can e'er bestow.
A friendship that is undefiled
Flows down from heaven above;—
Then seek it, as a little child
First seeks its parents' love.